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Bundaberg (Burnett Heads, Australia) Site History

History Summary

Station Bundaberg (Burnett Heads)
Country Australia
Gloss No. 059
Latitude 024° 50.0' S
Longitude 152° 21.0' E
Time Meridian 150E (GMT +10 hr)
Time Reference GMT (hours 00 - 23)
Contributor National Tidal Facility (NTF),
Flinders University of South Australia,
GPO Box 2100,
S.A. 5001,
Instrument Type Standard float /well gauge
Observational periods 1997 - present


Benchmark Description
PSM 3853
Brass plug set in concrete kerb of the southern approach to the Bulk Sugar Wharf, Port Bundaberg.
PSM 4504
Standard type brass plaque set in a concrete block beside pipes running from the Oil Terminal to the Oil Berth.
PSM 4503
Standard type brass plaque set in a concrete block at the corner of Buss and Powers streets.
PSM 36119
Standard type brass plaque set in a concrete block inside the Bundaberg Molasses Terminal enclosure.

Benchmark Relationships

Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) = 6.061m below TGBM
TGZ = 1.693m below Australian Height Datum(AHD)

Quality Assessment


The data reveal no apparent changes in reference level.

Most questionable fluctuations are related to timing errors of the gauge. Only extreme fluctuations are listed below.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1997 100 none none none
1998 98 131(20)-132(01), 162(12)-166(00), 225(08)-226(00) none none