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Faraday / Vernadsky Phase 2 Site History

History Summary

Station Name Faraday/Vernadsky (Phase 2)
Latitude 65° 15.0' S
Longitude 064° 16.0' W
Country U.K.
Gloss No 188
Time Reference GMT(00-23 hours)
Contributor Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory,
Joseph Proudman Building,
6 Brownlow Street,
L3 5DA. U.K.
Observation Period March 1984 - December 1999 (no data for 1998)
Instrument Type Analogue data, from conventional float and stilling well gauge.
Site of Gauge  

Parameters recorded

Period Parameters Sample Interval
03 1994 - 12 1995 SL 60 mins
01 1996 - 12 1997 SL 60 mins
01 1999 - 12 1999 SL 60 mins


SL = ASLVTD01 = Sea Level, with respect to "Post 1970 Tide Pole Zero"

Completeness Index

1984 82.8% 1992 80.7%
1985 99.9% 1993 99.0%
1986 99.2% 1994 99.5%
1987 100% 1995 99.6%
1988 81.4% 1996 99.8%
1989 98.3% 1997 98.7%
1990 98.3% 1999 100%
1991 96.1%

Quality Assessment

All data have been tidally analysed and constants and residuals checked. Records have been visually inspected for spikes, timing and datum shifts. There are no apparent datum shifts.

In most cases, missing and bad data reported below, are isolated spikes/missing data, rather than complete days.

Year Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1984 142,145,149,154- 155,183,200,222, 244,280,318-324 93,115,124,151, 152,170,173,185 276,306,343. 274,329
1985 221 24,39,43,55,57, 72,100,101,139, 144,171,185,282, 302,329,346. 24,232-234
1986 1,91,189,217-218, 244-246,251 12,14,31,41,44,45, 60,68,76,78,108, 117,123,133,182, 191,202,223,226, 229,283,291,341,361. 151-157
1987 None 10,46,47,49,89,103,123,156,167,191,222. 28
1988 104-105,107,122-183,200,208,212, 217-218,221,223, 240,254,265,289, 290,301,318,339, 349. 54,185,267,319,329. 322
1989 128-129,187,188- 189,201,202,203, 205,206-208,256-258,259,265,279, 281,283. 63,119,123,136,141, 159,171,172,227,318, 325,353. None
1990 2,3,50-51,65-66, 71,75,76,77,79, 119,170,189,219 220,231,240,265, 267.- 15,17,22,24,38,42,86,88,132,172,189, 335. None
1991 9,11,13,16,28,29, 30,44,46,68,156, 157,158,159,160, 161,164-168,182, 190-191,193,195, 218,229,235,265, 269. 3,4,5,14,17,28,67 71,73,119,342,356. None
1992 20-70,79,176. 14,15,71,137,188, 200,214,269,271, 293,303,347. None
1993 56-57,152-153, 176,270-271, 351-352. 45,106,119,190,365 None
1994 37,51,53,54-55, 251,275,338. 59,105,132,266,321, 330,339,351,358,359. None
1995 18,174-176,216, 277. 225,299,301,315,344. None
1996 34-35. 189,222 None
1997 217-218,314- 315,362-365. 36,158,166,172,191 None
1999 None 30,36,48,66,103, 208,240,255,289. None