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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1719380

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Towed STD/CTD
Instrument Type
Applied Microsystems Micro CTD  CTD; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor
Instrument Mounting research vessel
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr Phil Hosegood
Originating Organization University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) Wave Hub baseline study

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier MAY_17_2012_TRANSECT_A
BODC Series Reference 1719380

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2012-05-17 06:46
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2012-05-17 07:26
Nominal Cycle Interval 1.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Start Latitude 50.24459 N ( 50° 14.7' N )
End Latitude 50.29866 N ( 50° 17.9' N )
Start Longitude 5.47507 W ( 5° 28.5' W )
End Longitude 5.50339 W ( 5° 30.2' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 2.91 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 22.06 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height -0.55 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 18.59 m
Sea Floor Depth 21.5 m
Sea Floor Depth Source GEBCO00
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface
Sea Floor Depth Datum Chart reference - Depth extracted from available chart


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
ALATGP011DegreesLatitude north relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
ALONGP011DegreesLongitude east relative to WGS84 by unspecified GPS system
CNDCST011Siemens per metreElectrical conductivity of the water body by CTD
PRESPR011DecibarsPressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
PSALST011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
SIGTPR011Kilograms per cubic metreSigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm
SVELXXXX1Metres per secondSound velocity in the water body
TEMPPR011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents


A small, high accuracy CTD including a 4-electrode conductivity cell, temperature sensor, strain gauge pressure sensor and Delrin housing.

Sampling frequency is user-selectable up to 25Hz and the instrument has three sampling modes: continuous; defined increment of time or pressure; and on request. The unit is externally-powered and provides real time data as it has no internal data logging capabilities. It can support up to 2 optional additional analogue channels or one additional digital channel. The instrument has a maximum depth range of 6000m.

The standard Micro CTD Sensor is a three parameter, self contained, intelligent sensor. The basic configuration includes the following:

  • conductivity sensor and electronics
  • temperature sensor and electronics
  • pressure sensor and electronics
  • communications electronics
  • data logger electronics
  • waterproof pressure case
  • connector cable

For more information about this model and specifications see the manufactures data sheet - AML Micro CTD.

Wave Hub site towed undulating CTD May 2012: Originator's processing

Sampling Strategy

An AML Micro CTD attached to an OSIL Minibat FC60 was deployed and recovered three times on 17 May 2012. The deployment and recovery of these instruments were from the Plymouth University vessel, RV Falcon Spirit which is a 14 m catamaran.

Data Processing

No post-processing was applied to the files. They were submitted to BODC as raw ASCII format from the instrumentation.

Field Calibrations

No field calibrations were undertaken.

Wave Hub site towed undulating CTD May 2012: Processing by BODC

Data from an AML Micro CTD attached to an OSIL Minibat FC60 arrived at BODC in .CSV format and the associated metadata from the OSIL Minibat FC60 arrived at BODC in raw ASCII files.

The data from the Micro CTD arrived at BODC at a frequency of 25 Hz whereas the metadata output from the Minibat arrived at BODC at one second resolution. To merge the data together, BODC have binned the CTD data to one second resolution. The original outputs from both instruments are archived at BODC and are available on request if a different processing method is required.

The following table shows how the variables within the files were mapped to appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Originator's Variable Units Description BODC Parameter Code Units Comment
Temperature °C Temperature of the water body TEMPPR01 °C -
Pressure Dbars Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea level PRESPR01 Dbars -
Conductivity ms/cm Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CNDCST01 Siemens per metre Conversion applied to data to convert from millisiemens per centimeter to siemens per meter (divided by 10).
Salinity psu Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm PSALST01 dimensionless no unit conversion necessary
Sound Velocity m/s Sound velocity in the water body SVELXXXX m/s -
Density Kilograms per cubic metre Sigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGTPR01 Kilograms per cubic metre -

The reformatted data were visualised using the in-house visualisation software. If applicable suspect data are marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag. For instances of absent data, the data value is set to an appropriate value and a quality control flag is added.

Project Information

NERC Discovery Science - Wave Hub baseline study


This proposal has been designed to fill urgent scientific gaps in relation to baseline studies in renewable energy test sites and to take advantage of the unique opportunity presented by the development of the Wave Hub demonstrator site.

This project was funded by the NERC grant - NE/I015108/1 Wave Hub baseline study.

It is essential to obtain this information prior to deployment of infrastructure to understand the impact of arrays of wave devices together with the Wave Hub infrastructure. This opportunity has already been lost at other wave energy device testing sites (such as at European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Orkney), because devices, together with infrastructure such as moorings and cabling have already been installed.

This project is also driven by the need to expand the science capability and resources over the next five years to address the questions which have arisen directly in respect of marine renewable energy development and sustainable use of marine resources. Hence, many of the activities are also viewed as capacity building and skill development within Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) - Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) that are pivotal to address the scientific requirements of the renewable energy sector.

Scientific Objectives

To obtain:

  • Detailed oceanographic study at the Wave Hub site and surrounds - covering the whole range of physical, chemical and biological parameters before the deployment of Wave Hub infrastructure and wave energy devices.
  • Ensure data acquisition in time and space to allow development of physical and ecosystem models at scales relevant to wave arrays. Ultimately models will make predictive assessments of the extent, timescales and intensity of ecosystem impacts and perturbation resulting from implementation of wave energy arrays.
  • Engagement of environmental economists to ensure these same data can be used to develop economic valuation estimates of critical life supporting ecosystem services at scales appropriate to arrays of wave devices for comparison with other uses of marine space.
  • To address the questions which have arisen directly in respect of marine renewable energy development and sustainable use of marine resources.


The data were acquired from the RV Falcon Spirit, the Plymouth University vessel. The small 14m catermaran was used on a daily basis from 13 May 2012 to 24 May 2012 with the idea to capture high quality, spatially resolved field data ahead of the Wave Hub construction.


Types of instruments/measurements:

  • CTDs
  • Moored temperature loggers
  • Moored ADCPs
  • Towed undulated CTD


Collaborator Organisation
Dr Phil Hosegood (lead) University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering
Dr Ricardo Torres Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name 2012-05
Departure Date 2012-05-13
Arrival Date 2012-05-24
Principal Scientist(s)Phil Hosegood (University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering)
Ship RV Falcon Spirit

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

No Fixed Station Information held for the Series

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification