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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 335562

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category CTD or STD cast
Instrument Type CTD/STD cast
Instrument Mounting research vessel
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator -
Originating Organization Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory (now Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) Joint Nutrient Study I (JoNuS)

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier CI5/90/126
BODC Series Reference 335562

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1990-05-13 08:32
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) -
Nominal Cycle Interval 1.0 decibars

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 52.92170 N ( 52° 55.3' N )
Longitude 0.26170 E ( 0° 15.7' E )
Positional Uncertainty Unspecified
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 2.5 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 16.4 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 1.6 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 15.5 m
Sea Floor Depth 18.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Variable common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth, but this depth varies significantly during the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
PRESPR011DecibarsPressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level
PSALPR011DimensionlessPractical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm
TEMPST011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by CTD or STD

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

RV Cirolana Cruise 5/90 CTD Data Documentation

The CTD sensors were calibrated by the data originator. No calibration documents exist.

General Data Screening carried out by BODC

BODC screen both the series header qualifying information and the parameter values in the data cycles themselves.

Header information is inspected for:

  • Irregularities such as unfeasible values
  • Inconsistencies between related information, for example:
    • Times for instrument deployment and for start/end of data series
    • Length of record and the number of data cycles/cycle interval
    • Parameters expected and the parameters actually present in the data cycles
  • Originator's comments on meter/mooring performance and data quality

Documents are written by BODC highlighting irregularities which cannot be resolved.

Data cycles are inspected using time or depth series plots of all parameters. Currents are additionally inspected using vector scatter plots and time series plots of North and East velocity components. These presentations undergo intrinsic and extrinsic screening to detect infeasible values within the data cycles themselves and inconsistencies as seen when comparing characteristics of adjacent data sets displaced with respect to depth, position or time. Values suspected of being of non-oceanographic origin may be tagged with the BODC flag denoting suspect value; the data values will not be altered.

The following types of irregularity, each relying on visual detection in the plot, are amongst those which may be flagged as suspect:

  • Spurious data at the start or end of the record.
  • Obvious spikes occurring in periods free from meteorological disturbance.
  • A sequence of constant values in consecutive data cycles.

If a large percentage of the data is affected by irregularities then a Problem Report will be written rather than flagging the individual suspect values. Problem Reports are also used to highlight irregularities seen in the graphical data presentations.

Inconsistencies between the characteristics of the data set and those of its neighbours are sought and, where necessary, documented. This covers inconsistencies such as the following:

  • Maximum and minimum values of parameters (spikes excluded).
  • The occurrence of meteorological events.

This intrinsic and extrinsic screening of the parameter values seeks to confirm the qualifying information and the source laboratory's comments on the series. In screening and collating information, every care is taken to ensure that errors of BODC making are not introduced.

Project Information

Joint Nutrient Study I (JoNuS)

Concerns by the scientific community about the impact of nutrient inputs to the sea; a lack of information on inputs from the UK and on the spatial and temporal distribution and cycling of nutrients in UK waters provided the impetus for the JoNuS project.

The project sought to quantify the input of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon from UK estuaries to the North Sea through a good understanding of the estuarine processes that control the flow of these nutrients. It focussed on the Great Ouse/Wash and the Humber outflows. Its specific objectives were:

  • To measure the fluxes of nutrient elements (N, P, Si) through selected major estuaries on a quantitative annual basis in order to determine the net input to the sea resulting from gross river inputs.
  • To quantify the processes controlling the fluxes of nutrients through estuaries.

The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) hosted the project, which involved scientists from CEFAS, the University of East Anglia, the University of Essex, the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the National Rivers Authority (now the Environment Agency). It was funded by the then Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) and the Department of Environment, now the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

The project ran from April 1990 to March 1995, with marine field data collection between May 1990 and December 1993. Data collection involved ship based surveys which were complemented by estuarine transects and specific process studies.

Initially, the surveys were on a quarterly basis up to October 1992, however monthly surveys were carried out during 1993. During this intensive survey period, the programme focused on the Great Ouse/Wash; with a continuing, but lower level, of activity devoted to the Humber. An additional multi-project cruise, carried out in January 1995, also complemented the JoNuS data set. Further details of the JoNuS I cruises are provided below:

Cruise identifier Date Comments
RV Cirolana CIR5/90 1990-05-03 - 1990-05-20 None
RV Cirolana CIR7/90 1990-07-06 - 1990-07-25 None
RV Cirolana CIR10/90 1990-10-29 - 1990-11-16 None
Seeker 2/90 1990-10-29 - 1990-11-03 Sediment and water sample collection only
RV Cirolana CIR1/91 1991-01-05 - 1991-01-23 None
RV Cirolana CIR4/91 1991-04-12 - 1991-05-02 None
RV Cirolana CIR8A/91 1991-09-25 - 1991-10-09 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR1/92 1992-01-03 - 1992-01-20 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR3A/92 1992-02-14 - 1992-02-26 None
RV Cirolana CIR8/92 1992-07-29 - 1992-08-06 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR11/92 1992-09-28 - 1992-10-12 None
RV Cirolana CIR1/93 1993-01-08 - 1993-01-22 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR2A/93 1993-02-03 - 1993-02-07 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR2C/93 1993-02-18 - 1993-02-24 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR5A/93 1993-05-04 - 1993-05-10 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR6A/93 1993-06-08 - 1993-06-14 None
RV Cirolana CIR7B/93 1993-07-26 - 1993-08-02 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR9/93 1993-08-20 - 1993-08-26 None
RV Cirolana CIR9B/93 1993-09-30 - 1993-10-11 None
RV Corystes (88-04) COR13/93 1993-12-15 - 1993-12-21 None
RV Cirolana CIR1/95 1995-01-06 - 1995-01-31 None

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name CIR5/90
Departure Date 1990-05-03
Arrival Date 1990-05-20
Principal Scientist(s)Peter John Kershaw (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Ship RV Cirolana

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

No Fixed Station Information held for the Series

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification