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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 582004

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Bathymetry
Instrument Type Single-beam echosounder
Instrument Mounting research vessel
Originating Country United States
Originator -
Originating Organization Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) WOCE

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier HYDR3MV/1989
BODC Series Reference 582004

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1989-01-23 14:50
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 1989-03-07 14:35
Nominal Cycle Interval -

Spatial Co-ordinates

Southernmost Latitude 54.18970 S ( 54° 11.4' S )
Northernmost Latitude 32.27800 S ( 32° 16.7' S )
Westernmost Longitude 56.22780 W ( 56° 13.7' W )
Easternmost Longitude 18.44670 E ( 18° 26.8' E )
Positional Uncertainty Unspecified
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth -
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth -
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height -
Sea Floor Depth -
Sea Floor Depth Source -
Sensor or Sampling Distribution -
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum -
Sea Floor Depth Datum -


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ALATZZ011DegreesLatitude north
ALONZZ011DegreesLongitude east
MBANCT011MetresBathymetric depth of seafloor relative to instantaneous sea level {sea-floor depth} in the water body by echo sounder and correction using Carter's tables

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Public domain data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

The recommended acknowledgment is

"This study uses data from the data source/organisation/programme, provided by the British Oceanographic Data Centre and funded by the funding body."

Narrative Documents

Bathymetric Survey: WOCE A16S/1989 USNGDC No: 15020130

Bathymetric Survey
WOCE A16S/1989
USNGDC No 15020130
WOCE Expocode 318MSAVE5; HYDROS Leg 3
WOCE Section A16S
Source Institution Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA
Survey Platform RV Melville
Chief Scientist B. Smithie
Date of Departure 23 Jan 1989
Port of Departure Capetown, South Africa
Date of Arrival 08 Mar 1989
Port of Arrival Montevideo, Uruguay
Start of Survey 1989 01 21 2130 hours
Start Position 33° 54.62'S, 018° 26.11'E
End of Survey 1989 03 08 1200 hours
End Position 34° 54.12'S, 056° 12.77'W
Navigation Instrumentation GPS, Satnav, Auto Log GYRO+2D Doppler SPD
Bathymetry Instrumentation 12 kHz/EDO

WOCE Bathymetry Screening carried out by BODC

BODC have screened the series header information and the parameter values in the data cycles. Header information has been inspected for irregularities and inconsistencies between related information.

Positions have been checked using a visual inspection on a world map and by calculating platform speed. Time channels have been checked and corrected where appropriate. Duplicate data cycles have been removed.

Data cycles have been visually inspected and compared to ETOPO5 for guidance: Discovery cruises have bathymetry flagged where depth > 1000+ETOPO5. No data values have been altered, values suspected to be dubious have been marked as suspect. Caution documents have been written where appropiate.

Project Information

World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)

The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) was a major international experiment which made measurements and undertook modelling studies of the deep oceans in order to provide a much improved understanding of the role of ocean circulation in changing and ameliorating the Earth's climate.

WOCE had two major goals:

  • Goal 1. To develop models to predict climate and to collect the data necessary to test them.

  • Goal 2. To determine the representativeness of the Goal 1 observations and to deduce cost effective means of determining long-term changes in ocean circulation.

Data Activity or Cruise Information


Cruise Name 318MSAVE5
Departure Date 1989-01-23
Arrival Date 1989-03-08
Principal Scientist(s)Michael S McCartney (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography), William Massie Smethie (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Ship RV Melville

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

No Fixed Station Information held for the Series

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification