
UK Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (UK SOLAS) 2003-2010

Data set information

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Data holding centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
CountryUnited Kingdom  United Kingdom
ProjectUK Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere(UK SOLAS)
Time periodUK SOLAS marine fieldwork from 2003 to 2010
Geographical area

Cruises in the eastern north Atlantic, mesocosm experiment at Bergen, time series at Station Mike (60N, 2E)


Concentration of nitrogen species in the atmosphere; Quality control flags; Carbon monoxide and dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere; Atmospheric deposition rates; Atmospheric particulates; Date and time; Bacteria in biota; Air pressure; Atmospheric humidity; Other halocarbon concentrations in water bodies; Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column; Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column; Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column; Raw fluorometer output; Bacterial growth; Other wave statistics; Biota lipid concentrations; Bathymetry and Elevation; Mineral chemistry; Metal concentrations in the atmosphere; Colloidal metal concentrations in the water column; Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column; Total metal concentrations in water bodies; Microzooplankton grazing; Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column; Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column; Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column; Other meteorological measurements; Raw oxygen sensor output; Ozone and oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere; Partial pressure (pCO2) and fugacity (fCO2) of carbon dioxide in the water column; Inorganic phosphorus species concentrations in the atmosphere; Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column; Primary production in the water column; Salinity of the water column; Dissolved concentration parameters for other gases in the water column; Inorganic silicon species concentrations in the atmosphere; Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column; Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column; Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column; Temperature of the water column; Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output; Bacterial production in the water column; Urea concentration parameters in the water column; Concentration of proteins in the water column; Spectral wave data parameters; Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column; Metal ligand parameters in the water column; Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column; Phytoplankton growth; Dissolved amino acid concentrations in the water column; Metadata parameters; Dissolved inorganic carbon production and respiration in the water column; Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column; Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies; Nitrification and denitrification rates in water bodies; Concentration of organic matter in the atmosphere; Silicate concentration parameters in the water column; Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column; Solar Radiation; Bacteria taxonomic abundance in water bodies; Sulphur species concentrations in the atmosphere; Bacterial consumption in the water column; Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column; Platform or instrument orientation; Dissolved noble gas concentration parameters in the water column; Heat fluxes between the water column and the atmosphere; Concentration of inorganic halogens in the atmosphere; Concentration of inorganic halogens in water bodies; Concentration of organic matter in water bodies; Virus abundance in water bodies; Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column; Water column photography; Electrical conductivity of the water column; Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies; Transmittance and attenuance of the water column; Concentration of other organic contaminants in the atmosphere; Air temperature; Density of the water column; Concentration of silicon species in the water column; Raw light meter output; Long-wave radiation; Microzooplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies; Carotenoid and flavenoid pigment concentrations in water bodies; Wind strength and direction; Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column; Gas fluxes between the water column and the atmosphere


Anemometers; wave recorders; fluorometers; lowered current profilers; thermosalinographs; underwater cameras; plankton recorders; plankton nets; discrete water samplers; scatterometers; atmospheric radiometers; continuous water samplers; cameras; particulates samplers; salinity sensor; pH sensors; bubble detectors; hydrophones; in-situ incubators; sieves and filters; colorimeters; autoanalysers; optical microscopes; high performance liquid chromatographs; balances and scales; inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometers; mass spectrometers; gas chromatograph mass spectrometers; spectrophotometers; bench fluorometers; bench particle sizers; Differential Global Positioning System receivers; nutrient analysers; microstructure sensors; CTD; transmissometers; aerosol samplers; water temperature sensor; thermistor chains; precipitation samplers; in-situ particle sizers; dissolved gas sensors; plankton categorisers and counters; continuous air samplers; shipboard incubators; meteorological packages; discrete air samplers


The UK Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (UK SOLAS) marine fieldwork data set comprises all data, marine or otherwise, collected during sea-going activities. The fieldwork included eight dedicated research cruises in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, spanning the period 2006-2008. These cross-disciplinary missions resulted in a diverse data catalogue. This includes meteorology (3-D wind speed and direction, total irradiance, Photosynthetically Active Radiation/PAR, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, aerosol optical thickness); atmospheric composition (carbon dioxide concentration, aerosol particle counts and size spectra, chemical analyses of aerosol particle composition, cloud condensation nuclei/CCN, concentrations of pollutants such as black carbon, concentrations of free radical species such as iodine monoxide and nitrate radicals); chemical and energy-fluxes across the air-sea boundary (dust deposition rates, oxygen and nitrogen fluxes, carbon dioxide fluxes, sensible heat fluxes, latent heat fluxes, momentum fluxes); biological, chemical and physical properties and processes in the sea surface micro-layer (chlorophyll concentration, bacterial production, phytoplankton and bacterial speciation, concentrations of biogenic trace compounds such as halocarbons, nitrous oxide, dimethyl sulphide/DMS and alcohols, surfactant concentrations, halogen concentrations such as iodine, iodide and iodate); biological, chemical and photochemical properties and processes in the ocean subsurface (primary productivity, trace gas production, plankton community composition, nutrient concentration, concentrations of trace metals such as iron, aluminium, manganese, magnesium and cobalt, ligand and complex metal chemistry parameters such as heme, dust dissolution, salinity, temperature, amino acids and urea, carbonate system chemistry including alkalinity); and sea-state physics (breaking waves, wave slope, whitecaps, bubble size spectra, aerosol formation, subsurface acoustics). Additionally, time series of air-sea fluxes were measured from the Norwegian weather ship, Polarfront, between 2006 and 2009. UK SOLAS scientists also participated in the Bergen Mesocosm experiment during 2008. This simulated gas exchanges and biological, chemical and photochemical properties and processes in the sea surface micro-layer under controlled conditions. The study united atmospheric and marine scientists from institutions across the UK and international collaborators. The UK SOLAS data set was intended to advance understanding of the mutual interactions between the atmosphere and the oceans, especially the chemical exchanges that affect ocean productivity, atmospheric composition and climate. It was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council, as the UK's contribution to the international Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). The data are held at the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) and have been incorporated into the National Oceanographic Database (NODB). Data collected from non-ship based activities, for example land-based atmospheric data and data resulting from campaigns using the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) aircraft are held at the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC).

OriginatorsUniversity of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences
Data web site
OrganisationBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
AvailabilityLicence; by negotiation
ContactPolly Hadžiabdić (Head of the BODC Requests Team)

British Oceanographic Data Centre
Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street
L3 5DA
United Kingdom

Telephone+44 (0)782 512 0946
Collating centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Local identifier1048UKSOLAS
Global identifier4269
Last revised2024-08-13