
Cruise inventory

Search form

With this search interface you are able to query the online cruise inventory database and display the result of your query on screen. To toggle a detailed explanation of each specific search option click the '?' button of the respective option.

  Free search  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Use the 'free search' to find entries containing an occurrence of a word or simple phrase. Currently, this is restricted to following fields of the Cruise Summary Report database: ship name, cruise objectives, project, chief scientist, port of departure and port of return.
Character strings containing A-Z and 0-9 are supported. The search is not case sensitive.
  Ship name  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option
Refine your search for cruises conducted on a particular ship. Start typing text into the text box to autocomplete and refine your ship search. The default is all ships.
  Begin date  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search by date. Choose a begin (set sail) and/or an end (return to port) date. If you select
A begin date and an end date — all cruises that span your start date, occur between your start and end dates or span your end date are returned.
A begin date only — all cruises with a start date on or before your date and an end date after your date are returned.
An end date only — all cruises with a start date on or before your date and an end date on or after your date are returned.
The default will match any cruise irrespective of the set sail and return to port dates.
  End date  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search by date. Choose a begin (set sail) and/or an end (return to port) date. If you select
A begin date and an end date — all cruises that span your start date, occur between your start and end dates or span your end date are returned.
A begin date only — all cruises with a start date on or before your date and an end date after your date are returned.
An end date only — all cruises with a start date on or before your date and an end date on or after your date are returned.
The default will match any cruise irrespective of the set sail and return to port dates.
  Status  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search by the status of the cruise. You may select scheduled cruises planned for the future, current ongoing cruises, cancelled and completed cruises. The default is set to match any cruise irrespective of its status.
  Ocean/sea area  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option    Refine your search for cruises in a particular sea area. Select your area(s) of interest. To select more than one sea area use Control+click or Shift+click as appropiate. You may also use Control+click to deselect an area. The default is set to match any cruise irrespective of its sea area.
The names and limits of oceans and seas presented are a subset taken from the 3rd Edition of International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB) Special Publication No.23 published in 1953. The list is generated dynamically depending on data in the database.
  Discipline  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search for cruises collecting data for a particular discipline. Having selected your discipline, the options available in the data type section will be automatically updated. The default is all disciplines.
  Data type  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search for cruises which collected a particular data type. To select more than one data type use Control+click or Shift+click as appropiate. You may also use Control+click to deselect a data type. The default is all data types.
View all data types and their disciplines View all data types and their disciplines in Adobe PDF (106 KB).
  Host laboratory  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Refine your search for cruises that were coordinated by a particular laboratory. In the event of a laboratory name change queries for past cruises will require searches under any prior names. To select more than one laboratory use Control+click or Shift+click as appropiate. You may also use Control+click to deselect a laboratory. The default is all laboratories.
  Order by  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Choose how to order the results of your search. Select from the available options in the 'pull-down' list. The default is cruise date.
  Retrieve  Click to toggle detailed explanation of this search option Choose how many results are displayed per page. Select from the available options in the 'pull-down' list. The default is 10. Consider your computer's specification and the speed of your internet connection.