
Romanian Black Sea Dolphin species datasets

Data set information

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Data holding centreNational Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"
CountryRomania  Romania
ProjectConservation of the dolphins from the Romanian Black Sea waters
Time periodAugust 2001 - July 2004
Geographical area

Romanian Black Sea area - offshore limits of observation 30-35 Mm (izobath 50-60 m).


Cetacean behaviour; Cetacean abundance


Cameras; observers


The project Conservation of dolphins from the Romanian Black Sea Waters represents the first comprehensive and systematic national initiative aimed to redress the ecological threats posed to Black Sea dolphins and harbor porpoises population, after more than three decades of direct killing, severe habitats disturbance and pollution of coastal waters from Danube and land-based sources. The overall objective of the project is to develop the technical and legal basis for strengthening the national regulatory and management framework concerning the effective conservation of the three endangered dolphin species in the Romanian Black Sea area, in support of the Community environmental policies. The project implementation period is from July 2001 to July 2004. The main strategy of the proposed project is directed to development of the technical and legal basis for strengthening the national regulatory and management framework for effective conservation of the three endangered dolphin species in the Romanian Black Sea area, in support of the Community environmental policies. Still, in order to adequately address the adverse factors that pose great threats to dolphins ecological status, namely incidental takes, habitat degradation and disturbance, pollution, epizootics, the first logical step will be to bridge the gap in the survey data and scientific evidence of the extent of these factors. Improved knowledge base of dolphins sightings and stranding will be achieved through initiation of a voluntary network of dolphins sightings and stranding at Romanian coast based on the implementation of a comprehensive survey plan, designed in such a manner to couple bi-monthly land-based observations, quarterly boat transects surveys and biannual aerial surveys (technical assistance on classic survey methods and new ones such photo-identification are critical for this preparatory action). Survey type of actions are critical project components (both recurring and non recurring) for achieving up-to-date findings on destructive dolphins-humans interaction, in commercial fisheries and other economic activities. Ultimately, the project strategy works towards gradual spatial and temporal restrictions of fishing methods known to have adverse impacts on dolphins, but these and other policy approaches will be best work only if they will be correlated in a National Action Plan for Dolphin Conservation. Non-recurrent activities -Establish the survey methodology for assessing the dolphins abundance and distribution in the Romanian waters -Initiating a voluntary network for shore-based observation of dolphin stranding and sightings along the coast, from Midia to Vama Veche - Train voluntary surveyors in applying the survey methodology for field data collection, - Set up and operate a Marine Mammal Data Base (MMDB) for the Romanian Black Sea coast. - Develop a comprehensive technical overview regarding adverse impacts of marine and land based economic activities on dolphins; - Perform a reconnaissance field study for assessing the current biological and ecological status of Romanian Coastal ecosystems, and inventorying the economical activities with adverse effects on dolphins; -Draw up a National Action Plan for Dolphins Conservation (NAPDC) in consultation with relevant decision makers and coastal stakeholders; -Enforce for the Vama Veche- 2 Mai reserve the protection status, by developing a management plan, including the areas that offer ideal conditions for dolphin feeding and nursing. Recurrent field activities -Carry out quarterly shore- based and sea observations of dead and alive dolphins and aerial surveys -Monitor incidental dolphin catches in commercial fishing gears along the coast.

OriginatorsNational Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"
Data web site
OrganisationNational Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"
ContactDr. Eng. Simion Nicolaev (Managing Director)

National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"
300 Mamaia Blvd.


Telephone40 241 540288
Facsimile40 241 831274;
Collating centreNational Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa"
Local identifier41001016
Global identifier2367
Last revised2010-01-14