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- 33
An oceanographic section: Scotland - Norway (1975)
Data set information
| Query EDMED |
General | |
Data holding centre | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
Country | Sweden ![]() |
Time period | October 1975 |
Ongoing | No |
Geographical area | North Sea and Skagerrak |
Observations | |
Parameters | Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies; Air pressure; Air temperature; Cloud cover height and extent; Wind strength and direction; Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column; Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column; Salinity of the water column; Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column; Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column; Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column; Silicate concentration parameters in the water column; Carotenoid and flavenoid pigment concentrations in water bodies; Temperature of the water column |
Description | |
Summary | The cruise was a preparatory cruise to the JONSDAP 76, an ICES/JONSIS project. The intention was to visit the same stations as planned for 1976, but a JONSDAP 76 Meeting recommended the Swedish 1976 - section to be further south since Boundary North would be worked extensively by Norwegian vessels.The data has been quality controlled. |
Originators | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
References | Anon (1976) MEDDELANDE fran HAVSFISKELABORATORIET, LYSEKIL., Hydrografiska avdelningen Goteborg no 205 |
Data web site | http://www.smhi.se |
Availability | |
Organisation | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
Availability | Unrestricted |
Contact | Orjan Back (Shark data manager) |
Address | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
Telephone | +46-31-751 89 75 |
Facsimile | +46-(0)11-495 80 01 |
shark@smhi.se | |
Administration | |
Collating centre | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
Local identifier | 18001006 |
Global identifier | 33 |
Last revised | 2017-09-26 |