
Global mixed-layer ocean and atmosphere model (10 year run)

Data set information

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Data holding centreHadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
CountryUnited Kingdom  United Kingdom
Time periodModel run for 10 years
Geographical area



Air pressure; Air temperature; Cloud cover height and extent; Atmospheric humidity; Cloud type; Precipitation and evaporation; Wind strength and direction; Land surface temperature; Wind stress and shear; Snow and ice mass, thickness and extent; Solar Radiation; Heat fluxes between the water column and the atmosphere; Terrestrial water content


Anemometers; meteorological packages; sea level recorders; radiometers; water temperature sensor; atmospheric radiometers; observers; precipitation samplers; snow and ice samplers


The data set comprises a mixed-layer ocean and atmosphere model, run for 10 years with 1 x carbon dioxide in the control run and 2 x carbon dioxide in the anomaly run. The model comprises a 2.5 by 3.75 degree latitude/ longitude grid with 11 vertical levels:

                                Approximate  Approximate
        Level   Sigma   Pressure (mb)Height                             
          1      0.99        990              100m
          2      0.94        940              600m
          3      0.84        840             1.5km
          4      0.72        720               3km
          5      0.58        580             4.5km
          6      0.44        440               7km
          7      0.32        320               9km
          8      0.23        230            10.5km
          9      0.16        160              13km
         10      0.09         90              17km
         11      0.02         20              25km

Stored Variables include monthly and seasonal means from the second five years as follows: surface geopotential height, 00Z surface temperature, soil moisture content, snow depth, large scale rain, snow, convective rain, evaporation, sensible heat flux, boundary layer height, lowest level wind speed, sublimation, snow melt, run-off, convective cloud base, convective cloud top, outgoing clear-sky solar flux, downward clear-sky solar flux, upward clear-sky solar flux, outgoing clear-sky infrared flux, downward clear-sky surface infrared flux, incoming solar flux, outgoing solar flux, outgoing infrared flux, surface solar flux (down), surface solar flux (up), surface infrared flux (down), surface infrared flux (up), cloud amount on model levels, convective cloud base (weighted), convective cloud top (weighted), convective cloud amount, total cloud amount, CD (drag coefficient), CH (bulk heat transfer coefficient), quick run-off, soil temperature in layer 2, soil temperature in layer 3, soil temperature in layer 4, mean and box albedo, total cloud water content (liquid + ice) on model levels, high cloud water path, medium cloud water path, low cloud water path, maximum surface temperature, minimum surface temperature, mean surface temperature, wind mixing energy, x component of stress, y component of stress, liquid cloud water content on model levels, surface soil heat flux, surface pressure, x component of wind on model levels, y component of wind on model levels, temperature on model levels, specific humidity on model levels, mean sea level pressure, 500mb height, 200mb height, x component of wind at 850mb, x component of wind at 250mb, y component of wind at 850mb, y component of wind at 250mb, temperature at 850mb, temperature at 700mb, temperature at 500mb, ocean: equivalent ice depth, ocean: precipitation-evaporation, ocean: slab temperature.

OriginatorsHadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

Mitchell, J.F.B. and Senior, C. (1990) Equilibrium climate change - and its implications for the future., CLIMATE CHANGE; the IPCC Scientific Assessment.

Data web site
OrganisationHadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
AvailabilityBy negotiation
ContactDr. David A. Bennetts

Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
Met Office FitzRoy Road
United Kingdom
Collating centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Local identifier1026006
Global identifier358
Last revised2010-01-10