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- 498
Small pelagic organisms (Sicily to Malta) - Juvenile2005
Data set information
| Query EDMED |
General | |
Data holding centre | Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta |
Country | Malta |
Time period | 26/07/2005 to 9/08/2005 |
Ongoing | No |
Geographical area | Maltese Waters, western Ionian and southern Tyrrhenian seas. N30E010. |
Observations | |
Parameters | Bacteria environmental parameters; Zooplankton and zoobenthos development stage parameters |
Instruments | CTD |
Description | |
Summary | Measurement of oceanographic parameters by the Nu-Shuttle (Chelsea Instruments). The device is equipped with a Minipack CDT-F comprising temperature, conductivity, pressure and fluorescence sensors. The measured parameters were: pressure, temperature, salinity, fluorescence, dissolved oxygen. Collection of sea current profiles by means of an ADCP. For the whole period of the survey sea current profiles were collected by the Ocean Surveyor Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) produced by RD Instruments. Three hull-mounted electro-acoustic transducers (38, 75 and 150 kHz) allow estimation of water current parameters on a 3D field. Planktonic sampling by means of CalVET and Bongo40 nets. The Bongo40 net is composed by two joint landing-nets, with 40 cm diameter mouths, held by a two-ring steel structure and with a depressor for the stability during the net hauling. The nets were lowered from the starboard side using a winch with double drum and a 6000 m length steel cable of 8mm diameter. The Bongo40 net hauls describe an oblique trajectory from the surface to 100m depth, at a constant speed of 2 knots with a cable inclination of 45 degrees. The CalVET net haul describes a vertical trajectory, and it is used to sample anchovy eggs in the water column, from 100m depth to surface, in coastal areas. |
Originators | Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta |
Data web site | http://www.cnr.it/istituti/DatiGenerali_eng.html?cds=002 |
Availability | |
Organisation | Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta |
Availability | Unknown |
Contact | Dr. Aldo Drago (Director of Research) |
Address | Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta |
Telephone | +356 -21 - 232493 |
Facsimile | +356 - 2144 0972 |
aldo.drago@um.edu.mt | |
Administration | |
Collating centre | Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta |
Local identifier | 45001011 |
Global identifier | 498 |
Last revised | 2009-03-17 |