MNO-5 Monitoring the nature development along the Zeeschelde - bottom quality
Data set information
General |
Data holding centre | Flanders Marine Institute |
Country | Belgium |
Time period | 2002 onwards |
Ongoing | Yes |
Geographical area | Belgium - Zeeschelde; Belgium, Zeeschelde - Ketenissepolder; Belgium, Zeeschelde, Antwerp Harbour - Deurganck Dock; Belgium, Zeeschelde - GOG 'Kruibeke, Bazel, Rupelmonde'; Belgium, Zeeschelde - Paardenschor; Belgium, Zeeschelde, Antwerp Harbour - Waasland Harbour |
Observations | |
Parameters | Unspecified |
Description | |
Summary | unknown |
Originators | Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Availability | |
Organisation | Flanders Marine Institute |
Availability | By negotiation |
Administration | |
Collating centre | Flanders Marine Institute |
Local identifier | 1937 |
Global identifier | 5525 |
Last revised | 2011-05-06 |