
MLA CTD Data (1985-)

Data set information

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Data holding centreFisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
CountryUnited Kingdom  United Kingdom
Time periodFrom 1985 onwards
Geographical area

Scottish coastal waters, central and northern North Sea, Rockall, north east Atlantic


Electrical conductivity of the water column; Salinity of the water column; Temperature of the water column




This data set of CTD and/or STD profiles has been collected on many cruises under many different projects and programmes in which the Laboratory has been involved. Over the years, the instrumentation has changed (see above list) and different groups of workers within the Laboratory favour different instruments. In general, the data are logged as either pressure, temperature and conductivity or as depth, temperature and salinity. The individual sub-sets of CTD/STD profiles are grouped in files relating to the particular cruise on which they were collected. Each file has a header block defining the instrument used, sounding at the sampling location, date and time of sampling and the number of observations at that location. The stored temperature and conductivity (salinity) data have been screened for spikes and other erroneous values which have been removed. During the course of a cruise, frequent salinity samples for calibration purposes are collected. These are analyzed back at the Laboratory on a Guildline 'Autosal' salinometer and the calibration of the CTD/STD checked. The data set up to the end of 2004 currently comprises some 10800 CTD/STD profiles. All data were collected by research vessels operated by or on behalf of the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen.

OriginatorsFisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
Data web site
OrganisationFisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
AvailabilityBy negotiation

Fisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
PO Box 101 Victoria Road
AB11 9DB
United Kingdom

Telephone+44 1224 876544
Facsimile+44 (0)1224 295511
Collating centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Local identifier1043005
Global identifier612
Last revised2009-12-01