
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets originating from Poti Sea Port Ltd.

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |    

Host Data set name Show
geBathymetric map of the adjacent area of the Sea Port Poti, scale 1:5000, 2005Click to show data set information
geBathymetric maps of the Black Sea from Rv. Rioni to the Rv. Enguri (research of the echosound measurements) scale 1:5000, 2000. Click to show data set information
geBathymetric maps of the Submarine slope from Rv. Rioni mouth up to the new northern mole of the pority, scale 1:5000, 2005 Click to show data set information
geBathymetric measurements of the submarine canyon of the Port Poti (down to the 25m depth, scale 1:2000; 2003 Click to show data set information
geHydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi. Click to show data set information
geMarine water monitoring data (fixed profiles), Achara, Batumi Click to show data set information
geResults of bathymetric measurements of the adjacent submarine slope (at point Grigoleti), scale 1:2000; years of 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |