
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Taurida V.I. Vernadsky National University

| New query | Found  6 | Show  (1-6) |    

Host Data set name Show
uaCrimean Mud FlowsClick to show data set information
uaData of stationary researches of the Black Sea beaches of Crimea Click to show data set information
uaDeformations of the Earth's crust in the Crimean-Black Sea basin Click to show data set information
uaEcological conditions of the rivers of Crimea which run into Black sea Click to show data set information
uaMonitoring of the air basin pollution of the Crimea, the potential of the pollution Click to show data set information
uaMonitoring of the ecological condition, NE Black Sea Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  6 | Show  (1-6) |