
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by CSIC, Institute of Marine Research

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Host Data set name Show
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry and chlorophyll) from cruise GALICIA IX in Galicia coastal waters (NW Spain)Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry and chlorophyll) from cruise GALICIA VIII in Galicia coastal waters (NW Spain) Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry and chlorophyll) from cruise GALICIA X in Galicia coastal waters (NW Spain) Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry and chlorophyll) from cruises ASTURIAS I,II,III,IV in Asturias coastal waters (N Spain) Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry and chlorophyll) from Ria of Vigo (NW Spain) Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry) from cruise ANA in North Atlantic Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry) from cruise BIOMASS IV in Antarctic waters Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus chemistry) from cruise SUZIL 91 in Antarctic waters (Indian Ocean) Click to show data set information
esHydrographic data (plus nutrients) from cruise BORD-EST in Atlantic waters west of Iberian Peninsula Click to show data set information

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