
GLOSS Station Handbook

Station information sheet

GLOSS number112
Station name


CountryMarshall Is.
Time zone180E, GMT + 12hrs
Latitude (+ve N)7.1
Longitude (+ve E)171.36666
Observation period(s)1975-
Responsible countryU.S.A.
Authority responsible
for tide gauge
Dr. M. Merrifield, University of Hawaii, Dept. of Oceanography, 1000 Pope Road MSB 307, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.
GLOSS contactUSA
Committed to GLOSSYes
Location mapView location map for GLOSS station Majuro
Digital dataYes
Data acquisition rate15 minute intervals, filtered to hourly values
Fast delivery data at UHSLCDownload h005.dat from UHSLC   Format documentation for UHSLC data
High frequency data at BODCDownload from BODC   View Majuro site history   View BODC document #57222  
High frequency data at UHSLCDownload from UHSLC   Download documentation qa005a.dmt from UHSLC   Download from UHSLC   Download documentation qa005b.dmt from UHSLC   Format documentation for UHSLC data
Real-time data availableYes
Real-time data transmitted
to GLOSS Fast Centre
Real-time data plots from UHSLC
Tide gauge benchmarksBM1 SS bolt, no stamp, embedded in the concrete roadway to the dock next to the curb about 2 ft south of tide station foundation
Auxiliary benchmarksBM2:SS bolt embedded in the corner of the concrete slab by electrical vault which is on the NW side of the freezer of fishery pier. BM4:SS bolt, no stamp, embedded in concrete curb of the copra dock road way at the top of the incline just past the power station pump house. BM3A: replaces BM3, on rise near the guard rail at SW corner of freezer plant, 5ft from BM3.
Data at PSMSL 
Annual MSL (RLR) dataDownload annual MSL (RLR) data for Majuro   Download annual MSL (RLR) data for Majuro
Annual MSL (RLR) plotView annual MSL (RLR) plot for Majuro   View annual MSL (RLR) plot for Majuro
MSL methodaverage of daily values
PSMSL code1838
Other relevant codesUHSLC 005
Additional information 
Other relevant informationBackup gauge on site: Handar encoder (August 1983-). Daily values calculated using 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centred on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50 and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2 and 40.2 hours.
Last updated1993-12-05