
GLOSS Station Handbook

Station information sheet

GLOSS number206
Station name

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Time zone060W, GMT - 4hrs
Latitude (+ve N)18.46666
Longitude (+ve E)-66.11666
Observation period(s)1962-1974, 1978-, upgrade due 2007
Responsible countryU.S.A.
Authority responsible
for tide gauge
NOAA, National Ocean Service, 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281, USA
GLOSS contactUSA
Committed to GLOSSNo
Location mapView location map for GLOSS station San Juan, Puerto Rico
Digital dataYes
Data acquisition rate6 minute intervals
Fast delivery data at UHSLCDownload h245.dat from UHSLC   Format documentation for UHSLC data
High frequency data at BODCDownload from BODC   View San Juan, Puerto Rico site history   View BODC document #59140  
High frequency data at UHSLCDownload from UHSLC   Download documentation qa245a.dmt from UHSLC   Format documentation for UHSLC data
Data held at national organisationYes
Real-time data availableYes
Real-time data transmitted
to GLOSS Fast Centre
Real-time data plots from UHSLC
Tide gauge benchmarksNOS tidal benchmark survey disk stamped '5371 A 1977' set in the top of a concrete sea wall at the U.S. Coastguard compound.
Benchmark relationshipsTGBM = 5.32 feet above mean lower low water (1960-1978 epoch) TGBM = 4.54 feet above mean sea level (1960-1978 epoch) TGBM = 3.99 feet above mean high water (1960-1978 epoch) TGBM is 2.600 metres above tide staff zero
Auxiliary benchmarks5371 B 1977 NO 13 1962 5371 C 1977 NO 14 1962 5371 D 1977 (3.017m above tide staff zero) 5371 E 1977 (3.264m above tide staff zero) 5371 G 1977 5371 F 1977 (3.334m above tide staff zero - removed February 1993) SJH 44 1991 (2.565m above tide staff zero)
Data at PSMSL 
Annual MSL (RLR) dataDownload annual MSL (RLR) data for San Juan, Puerto Rico
Annual MSL (RLR) plotView annual MSL (RLR) plot for San Juan, Puerto Rico
PSMSL code1001
Other relevant codesUHSLC 245
Additional information 
Other relevant informationPSMSL hold data from prevoius gauge (PSMSL ref 938/021) from 1962-1974.
Last updated1993-12-05