GLOSS Station Handbook
Station information sheet
General | |
GLOSS number | 207 |
Station name | Cartagena |
Country | Colombia |
Time zone | 075W, GMT - 5hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | 10.4 |
Longitude (+ve E) | -75.55 |
Ocean | Atlantic |
Observation period(s) | 1949-1994 Float/stilling well |
Responsible country | Colombia |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | IDEAM, Diagonal 97 No. 11-60, Pisa 7, Commutador, Santa Fe de Bogota D.C., Colombia Tel: +55 1 6356007 |
GLOSS contact | Colombia |
Committed to GLOSS | Yes |
Operational | Yes |
Location map | |
Instrumentation | |
Float | Yes |
Pressure | No |
Bubbler | No |
Acoustic | No |
Radar | No |
Data | |
Digital data | No |
Additional parameters | Sea temperature, sea salinity, sea density |
Data acquisition rate | six minute interval |
High frequency data at UHSLC | |
Real-time data available | No |
Additional parameters (real-time) | Sea temperature, sea salinity, sea density |
Benchmarks | |
Tide gauge benchmarks | BM 001 |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | |
Annual MSL (RLR) plot | |
MSL method | Statistical method |
PSMSL code | 572 |
Other relevant codes | UHSLC 265 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | LG Seba installed in Rosario Island 25 miles SW of Cartagena. Estacion Meteorologia adyacente 1983. Continuous GPS. |
Nearest Met. station | Escuela Naval CIOH 1947 Apto. |
Last updated | 2002-12-11 |