GLOSS Station Handbook
Station information sheet
General | |
GLOSS number | 265 |
Station name | Trindade Is. |
Country | Brazil |
Latitude (+ve N) | -20.5 |
Longitude (+ve E) | -29.3 |
Ocean | Atlantic |
Observation period(s) | 1974-1990 (Float); Jun 1990- (Pressure) |
Responsible country | Brazil |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | Directoria de Hidrografia e Navegacao, Divisao de Servicos Oceanicos, Rua Barão de Jaceguay, s/nº Ponta da Armação – Niterói |
GLOSS contact | Brazil |
Committed to GLOSS | Yes |
Operational | Yes |
Location map | |
Instrumentation | |
Float | Yes |
Pressure | Yes |
Bubbler | No |
Acoustic | No |
Radar | No |
Data | |
Digital data | Yes |
Additional parameters | Sea temperature, atmospheric pressure |
Data acquisition rate | Float: hourly Pressure: recording at 20 minute intervals, filtered |
High frequency data at UHSLC | |
Real-time data available | No |
Additional parameters (real-time) | Sea temperature, atmospheric pressure |
Benchmarks | |
Tide gauge benchmarks | RN-1 - On south-east island's near face near a beacon at Galheta. |
Benchmark relationships | Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) = 21.4 cm below Chart Datum TGZ = 401.1 m below TGBM |
Auxiliary benchmarks | RN-2: to the west of RN-1, and near to it. It is 224.5 cm above TGBM. |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | Yes (Monthly metric data only available) |
MSL method | Godin filter |
PSMSL code | 1993 |
Other relevant codes | UHSLC 204 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | The pressure sensor is 58cm below mean sea level. |
Nearest Met. station | 83650 -Ilha de Trindade |
Last updated | 1992-09-26 |