GLOSS Station Handbook
Station information sheet
General | |
GLOSS number | 278 |
Station name | Casey |
Country | Australia |
Time zone | 120E, GMT + 8hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | -66.28333 |
Longitude (+ve E) | 110.53333 |
Ocean | Southern |
Observation period(s) | 26 January 1996 onwards |
Responsible country | Australia |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas 7050, Australia - Tel: (61 3) 6232 3528; Fax: (61 3) 6232 3351; Email: |
GLOSS contact | Australia |
Committed to GLOSS | Yes |
Operational | Yes |
Location map | |
Instrumentation | |
Float | No |
Pressure | Yes |
Bubbler | No |
Acoustic | No |
Radar | No |
Data | |
Digital data | Yes |
Additional parameters | Water temperature, atmospheric pressure |
Data acquisition rate | 10 minute average of continuous 1 second data |
High frequency data at BODC | |
Real-time data available | No |
Additional parameters (real-time) | Water temperature, atmospheric pressure |
Benchmarks | |
Tide gauge benchmarks | HBM3 - Tide gauge benchmark, 1.966m above mean sea level |
Benchmark relationships | See the following website for levelling information: Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) = 23.004m below TGBM (1979,1980) - Arbitrary Datum |
Auxiliary benchmarks | BM 1/79 Top of steel eyebolt set in rock near site of gauge to the east of the buildings BM 1/80 Top of steel eyebolt set in rock approximately 5m west of the old wooden sliprails to the west of the buildings PAGEOS Station B052 near the Radio Shack, Casey Station |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | Yes (Monthly metric data only available) |
MSL method | Hourly means |
PSMSL code | 1886 |
Other relevant codes | NTF port No. 20120 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | Diaphram pressure gauge operated Feb-Mar 1979 and Jan-Feb 1980 Precise ephemeris doppler fixes (PAGEOS B052) |
Nearest Met. station | Casey Station |
Last updated | 2002-10-16 |