General | |
GLOSS number | 336 |
Station name | Fortaleza |
Country | Brazil |
Time zone | GMT -3hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | -3.71666 |
Longitude (+ve E) | -38.46666 |
Observation period(s) | Time span of data: 1948-1968 ( psmsl), Tides 2008-2009, Historical data (1948-1971) to be integrated into current time series. |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | N.O.A.A./ N.O.S., N/oes 33, Ssmc4, Room 6531, 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, UNITED STATES |
Instrumentation | |
Float | |
Pressure | |
Bubbler | |
Acoustic | |
Radar | Yes |
Data | |
Data acquisition rate | Sampling rate every 5 min |
Fast delivery data at UHSLC |  |
High frequency data at UHSLC |  |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data |  |
Annual MSL (RLR) plot |  |
PSMSL code | 559 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | Radar sensor (Vegapulse 62) and encoder with a Sutron Satlink datalogger were installed in April 2008
C-GPS was established in 2008 (rooftop of a two storey building)
GCPS week solutions (Bernese 5.0) integrated into IGS structure
Conventional (float/weekly chart) back -up gauge instaled in September 2007
TG- CGPS distance= 600m
TG-CGPS levelling accuracy= 1mm |
Last updated | 2011-06-23 |