General | |
GLOSS number | 338 |
Station name | Fort-de-France |
Country | France |
Time zone | GMT -4hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | 14.58333 |
Longitude (+ve E) | -61.05 |
Observation period(s) | Time span of data 2005-2009 psmsl |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine, CS 92803, 29228 Brest CEDEX 2, FRANCE |
Instrumentation | |
Float | |
Pressure | |
Bubbler | |
Acoustic | |
Radar | Yes |
Data | |
Additional parameters | Meteo: Pressure |
Fast delivery data at UHSLC | |
High frequency data at UHSLC | |
Additional parameters (real-time) | Meteo: Pressure |
Benchmarks | |
Tide gauge benchmarks | The radar tige gauge was installed by SHOM in October 2005. |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | |
Annual MSL (RLR) plot | |
PSMSL code | 1942 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | The tide gauge is operated in collaboration with the local authorities of Meteo- France and the French Navy.
No Real- Time
Digital: Yes
Precision: 1cm
Control: Semestrial
Levelling: 2005 |
Last updated | 2010-05-13 |