General | |
GLOSS number | 339 |
Station name | Pointe La Rue |
Country | Seychelles |
Time zone | GMT + 4hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | -4.67166 |
Longitude (+ve E) | 55.52666 |
Ocean | Indian |
Observation period(s) | 1962-1964, 1975-1976, 1978-1979, 1992-..., Time span of data 1993-2004 (psmsl), |
Responsible country | Seychelles |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | Directorate of Civil Aviation, P.O. Box 181, Seychelles International Airport, Seychelles |
Committed to GLOSS | No |
Operational | Yes |
Instrumentation | |
Float | Yes |
Pressure | No |
Bubbler | No |
Acoustic | No |
Radar | No |
Data | |
Digital data | Yes |
Additional parameters | The only oceanographic observations are tide, sea level monitoring and sea temperature measurement. Further Marine and oceanographic activities are carried out by other organizations. |
Data acquisition rate | Tide Gauge samples every second and averages every one minute, and transmits the data every 15 min to University of Hawaii. |
Fast delivery data at UHSLC | |
High frequency data at UHSLC | |
Real-time data available | Yes |
Additional parameters (real-time) | The only oceanographic observations are tide, sea level monitoring and sea temperature measurement. Further Marine and oceanographic activities are carried out by other organizations. |
Benchmarks | |
Tide gauge benchmarks | Tide Gauge location 04 40.3' S and 055 31.7' E.
Tide Gauge GLOSS number 273, Toga I053, NODC II 30054502 replaced old tide gauge located at Port Victoria, it is a float/ well, Handar 436-A, Encoder 436-B. |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | |
Annual MSL (RLR) plot | |
PSMSL code | 1846 |
Other relevant codes | UHLSC 121 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | Tide Gauge was installed on 11th of January 1993.
Tide Gauge samples every second and averages every one minute, and transmits the data every 15 min to University of Hawaii through Meteosat 7 and GOES satellite. |
Last updated | 2005-06-08 |