General | |
GLOSS number | 345 |
Station name | Ny Alesund |
Country | Norway |
Time zone | GMT+ 2 hrs |
Latitude (+ve N) | 78.93333 |
Longitude (+ve E) | 11.95 |
Observation period(s) | Time span of data 1976-2009 (psmsl) |
Authority responsible for tide gauge | Norges Sjokartverk, Lervigsveien 36, Postboks 60, 4001 Stavanger, NORWAY |
Instrumentation | |
Float | |
Pressure | |
Bubbler | |
Acoustic | |
Radar | |
Data | |
Data acquisition rate | Sampling rate 30 sec |
High frequency data at UHSLC | |
Benchmarks | |
Auxiliary benchmarks | RLR (1994) is 20.5m below TGBM Fundamentalpunkt for Svalbard
Add 5.00m to data to refer to RLR 1994 |
Data at PSMSL | |
Annual MSL (RLR) data | |
Annual MSL (RLR) plot | |
PSMSL code | 1421 |
Additional information | |
Other relevant information | CGPS since 1993. GPS receiver is installed near the VLBI-station ( Very long baseline Interferometry) which is located 1.5km from tide gauge.
GPS receiver type Serial num. Firmware version Antenna type Radome
CGPS from 1993: AOABenchmark ACT 2020 AOAD/M_B Dome
CGPS from 1997: AOA Benchmark ACT 2023 ASH 701073.3 Snow |
Last updated | 2010-07-15 |