BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RV Cefas Endeavour (74E9) cruise 22/14
This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents
- Cruise Inventory Information
- A summary of BODC data holdings for the cruise from the
- References - including cruise tracks and cruise reports
Cruise Inventory Information
Long name | RV Cefas Endeavour (74E9) cruise 22/14 |
Short name | 22/14 |
Objectives and Narrative |
1. Service SmartBuoys at Dowsing, Warp and West Gabbard 2. Service SmartBuoy at CandyFloss Array 3. Service SmartBuoy at Celtic Deep 4. Service minilanders at SSB sites in Celtic Sea 5. Deploy waverider off Scillies 6. Service waverider at Poole and West Gabbard 7. Search for lost gear at all sites (camera, grapple, trawl) 8. Collect 3 x Wave Glider and 3 x Glider at Candyfloss array Narrative Endeavour proceeded directly east of Celtic Deep to search for the two missing minilanders. On arrival the HiPap showed the lander deployed in March was still present. After a CTD, the acoustic release responded to the rented transponder system but the recovery rope did not appear. The grapple was deployed from the stern off the split net drum. After two tows we picked up the ground wire and retrieved the lander safely. A search grid for the remaining lander was instigated using the HiPap but after an hour this was abandoned and the ship moved off to the Nymphe Bank minilander site. The HiPap did not detect the lander so we tried the 'grapple cam' to survey the site and then towed the grapple on a wire without success. The Endeavour moved overnight to Celtic Deep SmartBuoy. Next day after a CTD, the SmartBuoy was recovered along with the mid-tether ADCP and thermistors on the mooring wire. While the instruments were turned around the camera was deployed to search for a missing mid-tether frame unsuccessfully. The SmartBuoy, thermistors and tether were re-deployed after lunch. The "Nymphe Bank" minilander was also deployed here before a CTD cast. The first CTD on the 24th was at 06:00 and a quick check revealed the minilander still on position. The acoustic release was fired but no recovery line appeared so we reverted to the'standard' method of grappling. The lander was recovered easily and it was discovered that somebody had cut the buffs off the recovery line. The new lander was deployed after lunch and then we made best speed to the SSB CandyFloss array. At CandyFloss on 25/10.14 the first job was to collect a CTD, then recover the SmartBuoy. We spent a couple of hours search for missing mid-tether frame before re-deploying the SmartBuoy. After another CTD the afternoon was dedicated to the successful recovery of the NOCL SV2 Wave Glider (deployed as part of the MASSMO fleet). Four more CTDs were collected during the evening and early morning. The two NOCS Slocum gliders deployed for MASSMO project were recovered un-damaged in 5m swell. A CTD here was aborted due to a problem with the wire, the standard back-up of the ESM2 profiler on the hydro wire was instigated. There then followed a steam towards Poole to swap out the waverider. En-route, a staff transfer request came in from NOCS so we detoured to Weymouth on the morning of 27/10/14 and dropped off all 3 NOC staff. The Poole waverider was later serviced. The Endeavour ran into the Warp to reach the SmartBuoy at 07:00 on 28/10/14. A pre recovery CTD was collected and the SmartBuoy was recovered and re-deployed in less than 30 mins. A post deployment CTD was collected before racing to West Gabbard. One waverider was retrieved but the tide had turned and an increase in the wind speed to 30kts forced suspension of mooring work. At 20:00 work re-commenced and the extra waverider and the SmartBuoy were eventually recovered. A replacement waverider and the SmartBuoy were deployed before a CTD and moving off to the Dowsing. On the morning of 29/10/14 the Dowsing SmartBuoy was serviced and CTD cast taken before recovery and after deployment. Scrape samples and settling plates were collected and preserved from all 5 SmartBuoys. Temperature and pressure DSTs were recovered and replaced on Celtic Deep, Warp and Dowsing. |
Ship | RV Cefas Endeavour |
Departure Port | Swansea, United Kingdom |
Departure Date | 2014-10-21 |
Arrival Port | Lowestoft, United Kingdom |
Arrival Date | 2014-10-30 |
Principal Scientist(s) | David Brian Sivyer (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory) |
Responsible Organisation | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory |
Associated Project(s) | |
IHB Sea Areas Visited | English Channel, North Sea, Celtic Sea |
Marsden Squares Visited | 145/181;1/216;1 |
Work Area Description | Southern North Sea (Dowsing, Warp and West Gabbard), Celtic Sea (Celtic Deep, Scilly Isles), English Channel (Poole). |
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time | |
Work Area Bounding Polygon | |
Southern Limit | unknown |
Northern Limit | unknown |
Western Limit | unknown |
Eastern Limit | unknown |
Cruise Inventory Datasets
No information on datasets is currently available for this cruise
Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations
No information on datasets is currently available
Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise
National Oceanographic Database
# Series | Instrument Description | Parameters |
4 | Thermistor chain |
Date and time Reference numbers Temperature of the water column |
1 | Thermistor chain |
Date and time Moored instrument depth Reference numbers Temperature of the water column |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)
Full List
BODC Reference | Instrument Description | Date/Time | Location | |
1905614 | Thermistor chain | 2014-10-23 14:00Z to 2015-03-08 17:00Z | 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W | Click for more |
1905731 | Thermistor chain | 2014-10-23 14:00Z to 2015-03-08 16:59Z | 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W | Click for more |
1905743 | Thermistor chain | 2014-10-23 14:00Z to 2015-03-08 16:59Z | 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W | Click for more |
1905755 | Thermistor chain | 2014-10-23 14:00Z to 2015-03-08 16:59Z | 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W | Click for more |
1905767 | Thermistor chain | 2014-10-23 14:00Z to 2015-03-08 16:59Z | 51° 8' N, 6° 34' W | Click for more |
Project Database
No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database