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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D190


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D190
Short name D190
Objectives and Narrative Initial SeaSoar and CTD physical and chemical survey around the BOFS station (47N, 20W) in the North Atlantic to identify and mark (by drifting buoy release) a suitable body of water for a Lagrangian Experiment.
Ship RRS Discovery
Departure Port
Departure Date 1990-04-14
Arrival Port
Arrival Date 1990-05-08
Principal Scientist(s) Andrew J Watson (Marine Biological Association of the UK)
Responsible Organisation Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory
Associated Project(s) Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS)
IHB Sea Areas Visited North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 146;4/147;3
Work Area Description NE Atlantic
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 20
Description: 1 with T only  
Chemical oceanography  
Nitrate Quantity: number of stations = 14
Nitrite Quantity: number of stations = 14
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 18
Phosphate Quantity: number of stations = 14
Silicate Quantity: number of stations = 14
pH Quantity: number of stations = 12
Biology and fisheries  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 11

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

No information on datasets is currently available

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
14 Bottle station Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
2 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
12 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
5 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
1 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
961016 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-25 20:08Z 48° 22' N, 20° 54' W Click for more
961028 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-26 21:03Z 49° 16' N, 19° 33' W Click for more
961041 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-27 01:18Z 48° 55' N, 19° 32' W Click for more
961053 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-27 05:23Z 48° 38' N, 19° 57' W Click for more
961065 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-27 10:39Z 48° 55' N, 19° 0' W Click for more
961077 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 00:28Z 49° 33' N, 19° 57' W Click for more
961089 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 04:31Z 49° 5' N, 20° 14' W Click for more
961090 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 17:18Z 49° 22' N, 19° 24' W Click for more
961108 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 17:50Z 49° 22' N, 19° 24' W Click for more
961121 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 20:32Z 49° 28' N, 18° 59' W Click for more
961133 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-28 20:54Z 49° 28' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
961145 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 02:29Z 48° 39' N, 19° 16' W Click for more
961157 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 03:02Z 48° 39' N, 19° 16' W Click for more
961169 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 06:42Z 48° 51' N, 18° 34' W Click for more
961170 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 07:04Z 48° 51' N, 18° 35' W Click for more
961182 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 11:16Z 49° 17' N, 18° 17' W Click for more
961194 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 12:27Z 49° 17' N, 18° 16' W Click for more
961201 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 13:45Z 49° 18' N, 18° 15' W Click for more
961213 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 17:24Z 49° 44' N, 18° 34' W Click for more
961225 CTD/STD cast 1990-04-29 21:53Z 49° 55' N, 19° 15' W Click for more
1250174 Bottle station 1990-04-26 21:22Z 49° 16' N, 19° 33' W Click for more
1250186 Bottle station 1990-04-27 01:37Z 48° 55' N, 19° 32' W Click for more
1250198 Bottle station 1990-04-27 05:37Z 48° 38' N, 19° 57' W Click for more
1250205 Bottle station 1990-04-27 10:55Z 48° 55' N, 19° 0' W Click for more
1250217 Bottle station 1990-04-28 00:41Z 49° 33' N, 19° 57' W Click for more
1250229 Bottle station 1990-04-28 04:44Z 49° 5' N, 20° 14' W Click for more
1250230 Bottle station 1990-04-28 18:05Z 49° 22' N, 19° 24' W Click for more
1250242 Bottle station 1990-04-28 21:06Z 49° 28' N, 18° 58' W Click for more
1250254 Bottle station 1990-04-29 03:15Z 48° 39' N, 19° 16' W Click for more
1250266 Bottle station 1990-04-29 07:17Z 48° 51' N, 18° 35' W Click for more
1250278 Bottle station 1990-04-29 12:55Z 49° 17' N, 18° 16' W Click for more
1250291 Bottle station 1990-04-29 13:55Z 49° 18' N, 18° 15' W Click for more
1250309 Bottle station 1990-04-29 18:03Z 49° 44' N, 18° 33' W Click for more
1250310 Bottle station 1990-04-29 22:04Z 49° 55' N, 19° 15' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
1 BEnthic Resistance THermometer Array
524 SeaSoar profile from gridded data Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Density of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
3 Automatically Recording Inverted Echo Sounder
1 Drifting rig with sediment traps
21 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Density of the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Metadata parameters
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column
Partial pressure (pCO2) and fugacity (fCO2) of carbon dioxide in the water column
Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column
4 IDB Argos Drifting Buoy
43 Expendable Bathythermograph Temperature of the water column
5 Metocean Argos Drifting Buoy

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

No track charts currently available


No reports currently available