BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH121A
This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents
- Cruise Inventory Information
- A summary of BODC data holdings for the cruise from the
- References - including cruise tracks and cruise reports
Cruise Inventory Information
Long name | RRS Challenger (74CH) cruise CH121A |
Short name | CH121A |
Objectives and Narrative |
CH121 was the second of six cruises under the LOIS Shelf Edge Study (SES) aimed at defining the nature of the processes occurring at the shelf edge, their seasonal variability and their impact on the fluxes of nutrients and carbon across the shelf and into the seabed sediments through the shelf.
The cruise was divided into three legs with the first and third being principally directed to the deployment and recovery of an extensive mooring array and the acquisition of sediment cores from selected sites in the SES area. The second leg had a series of objectives concerned with measuring the water column structure and velocity field in the shelf edge regime. To complement the time series data from the moored array of current meters and thermistor chains, the cruise plan called for measurements by shipboard adcp and CTD together to help identify the motions associated with internal tides and waves. These motions, which are generated at the shelf edge, may contribute to turbulent mixing and dissipation and the distribution of the latter was to be investigated with the aid of the FLY free-fall turbulence probe which was to be investigated. More wide-ranging spatial measurements were required to demonstrate the continuity of the slope current and to investigate its cross slope structure. While this cruise was principally concerned with the physics of the shelf edge system, the programme was also designed to obtain an extensive set of measurements of chlorophyll a, primary production and nutrient concentrations in parallel with physical observations. A further goal was to acquire surficial sediment material from a number of sites down the slope. |
Ship | RRS Challenger |
Departure Port | Ardrossan, United Kingdom |
Departure Date | 1995-08-10 |
Arrival Port | Mallaig, United Kingdom |
Arrival Date | 1995-08-18 |
Principal Scientist(s) | John H Simpson (University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences) |
Responsible Organisation | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences |
Associated Project(s) | LOIS - SES |
IHB Sea Areas Visited | North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W) |
Marsden Squares Visited | 181;4 |
Work Area Description | Off NW Scotland, Malin Shelf break approx 56 30N, 9W |
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time | |
Work Area Bounding Polygon | |
Southern Limit | unknown |
Northern Limit | unknown |
Western Limit | unknown |
Eastern Limit | unknown |
Cruise Inventory Datasets
Physical oceanography | |
CTD stations |
number of profiles =
Description: |
Current meters |
number of deployments =
Description: |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Optics (eg underwater light levels) |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Transparency (eg transmissometer) |
number of profiles =
Description: on CTD |
Transparency (eg transmissometer) |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Chemical oceanography | |
Nitrate |
number of profiles =
Description: |
Nitrite |
number of profiles =
Description: |
Oxygen |
number of profiles =
Description: on CTD |
Biology and fisheries | |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of samples =
Description: |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of samples =
Description: non-toxic surface samples for chlorophyll |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of profiles =
Description: on CTD |
Geology and geophysics | |
Core - soft bottom |
number of deployments =
Description: multicorer samples for geochemical and biogeochemical analysis |
Single-beam echosounding |
track kilometres =
Description: underway measurements |
Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations
Latitude | Longitude | Data type | Description |
56° 27' N | 9° 4' W | Current meters | ADCP and CM moorings (S400 site) |
56° 28' N | 8° 58' W | Current meters | ADCP, CM, Met buoy plus ARIES II mooring (S140 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 3' W | Current meters | CM with thermistor chain, tranmissometer, STABLE (S200 site) |
56° 37' N | 9° 1' W | Current meters | Pop-up mooring; CM, thermistor chain, transmissometer (N300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 4' W | Current meters | pop-up+toroid CM mooring,thermistor chain/tranmissometer (S300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 9' W | Current meters | pop-up+toroid CM moorings, thermistor chains/transmissometers (S700) |
56° 27' N | 9° 4' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | ADCP and CM moorings (S400 site) |
56° 28' N | 8° 58' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | ADCP, CM, Met buoy plus ARIES II mooring (S140 site) |
56° 28' N | 8° 58' W | Other meteorological measurements | ADCP, CM, Met buoy plus ARIES II mooring (S140 site) |
56° 36' N | 8° 56' W | Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) | Bottom pressure recorder (N140 site) |
56° 28' N | 8° 58' W | Subsurface temperature measurements | ADCP, CM, Met buoy plus ARIES II mooring (S140 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 3' W | Subsurface temperature measurements | CM with thermistor chain, tranmissometer, STABLE (S200 site) |
56° 37' N | 9° 1' W | Subsurface temperature measurements | Pop-up mooring; CM, thermistor chain, transmissometer (N300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 4' W | Subsurface temperature measurements | pop-up+toroid CM mooring,thermistor chain/tranmissometer (S300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 9' W | Subsurface temperature measurements | pop-up+toroid CM moorings, thermistor chains/transmissometers (S700) |
56° 28' N | 8° 58' W | Transparency (eg transmissometer) | ADCP, CM, Met buoy plus ARIES II mooring (S140 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 3' W | Transparency (eg transmissometer) | CM with thermistor chain, tranmissometer, STABLE (S200 site) |
56° 37' N | 9° 1' W | Transparency (eg transmissometer) | Pop-up mooring; CM, thermistor chain, transmissometer (N300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 4' W | Transparency (eg transmissometer) | pop-up+toroid CM mooring,thermistor chain/tranmissometer (S300 site) |
56° 27' N | 9° 9' W | Transparency (eg transmissometer) | pop-up+toroid CM moorings, thermistor chains/transmissometers (S700) |
Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise
National Oceanographic Database
# Series | Instrument Description | Parameters |
3 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Date and time Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Metadata parameters Vertical spatial coordinates Vertical velocity of the water column (currents) |
27 | Bottle station |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Quality control flags Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
2 | Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge |
Date and time Sea level Temperature of the water column |
1 | CTD/STD cast |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Density of the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
8 | CTD/STD cast |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Density of the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
20 | CTD/STD cast |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Density of the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
3 | Electromagnetic current meter |
Date and time Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) |
3 | Fluorometers |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Date and time Raw fluorometer output |
1 | Paddle wheel current meter |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Moored instrument depth Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column |
3 | Paddle wheel current meter |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Moored instrument depth Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column |
1 | Paddle wheel current meter |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Moored instrument depth Temperature of the water column |
9 | Paddle wheel current meter |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Moored instrument depth Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column |
1 | Pumped water sample |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Date and time Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column |
1 | Savonius rotor current meter |
Date and time Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Platform or instrument orientation Sea level Temperature of the water column |
12 | Thermistor chain |
Date and time Temperature of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
1 | Transmissometer |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column |
1 | Transmissometer |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)
Full List
BODC Reference | Instrument Description | Date/Time | Location | |
426086 | Electromagnetic current meter | 1995-08-14 14:12Z to 1995-09-02 10:02Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
426105 | Electromagnetic current meter | 1995-08-13 16:42Z to 1995-09-06 04:52Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
426129 | Electromagnetic current meter | 1995-08-11 19:22Z to 1995-08-31 13:22Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
431248 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-13 16:55Z to 1995-09-06 04:55Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
431304 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-13 16:56Z to 1995-09-06 04:56Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
431328 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-14 14:10Z to 1995-09-02 10:00Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
431353 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-14 14:07Z to 1995-09-02 10:02Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
431377 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-16 16:12Z to 1995-09-02 14:32Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
431389 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-15 15:52Z to 1995-09-02 17:32Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
431390 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-16 16:12Z to 1995-09-02 14:32Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
431421 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-14 14:10Z to 1995-09-02 10:00Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
436185 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-11 19:17Z to 1995-08-31 13:17Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
439238 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-16 16:12Z to 1995-09-02 14:32Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
439275 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-13 16:55Z to 1995-09-06 04:55Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
439299 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-11 19:17Z to 1995-08-31 13:22Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439318 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-14 14:07Z to 1995-08-16 07:52Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439343 | Paddle wheel current meter | 1995-08-14 14:07Z to 1995-09-02 10:02Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439503 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-11 19:18Z to 1995-08-15 10:56Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
439539 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-16 16:30Z to 1995-09-02 14:30Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
439564 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-14 17:03Z to 1995-09-06 06:03Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
439668 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-15 19:26Z to 1995-09-03 14:56Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
439693 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-13 17:03Z to 1995-09-06 10:03Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
439712 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-14 14:05Z to 1995-09-02 10:05Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439736 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-14 14:25Z to 1995-09-02 09:05Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439773 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-14 14:25Z to 1995-09-02 09:55Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
439797 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-13 17:15Z to 1995-09-06 10:15Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
439816 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-14 14:59Z to 1995-09-02 10:07Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
442363 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-16 08:30Z to 1995-09-06 08:00Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
442399 | Thermistor chain | 1995-08-16 16:30Z to 1995-09-02 09:40Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
442688 | Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge | 1995-08-17 12:40Z to 1995-09-04 06:55Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
442707 | Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge | 1995-08-17 14:14Z to 1996-01-10 07:29Z | 56° 36' N, 8° 56' W | Click for more |
444185 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 1995-08-11 08:17Z to 1995-09-03 17:59Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
444216 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 1995-08-17 12:41Z to 1995-09-04 16:08Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
444228 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 1995-08-12 08:52Z to 1995-09-05 13:37Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
444413 | Savonius rotor current meter | 1995-08-11 05:37Z to 1995-09-06 17:53Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
476071 | Fluorometers | 1995-08-15 20:02Z to 1995-09-03 15:02Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
476126 | Fluorometers | 1995-08-13 15:02Z to 1995-09-06 12:59Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
476175 | Fluorometers | 1995-08-16 09:09Z to 1995-09-06 08:02Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
496127 | Transmissometer | 1995-08-15 19:04Z to 1995-09-03 15:14Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
496140 | Transmissometer | 1995-08-16 08:00Z to 1995-09-06 08:07Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849514 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-14 14:21Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
849526 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 10:01Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 2' W | Click for more |
849538 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 19:56Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
849551 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 23:58Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
849563 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 03:15Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
849575 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-11 09:33Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 52' W | Click for more |
849587 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-11 14:21Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
849599 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-11 19:45Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
849606 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 08:48Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
849618 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 14:18Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849631 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 18:13Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849643 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 20:16Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 7' W | Click for more |
849655 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 21:23Z | 56° 28' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
849667 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-12 23:08Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W | Click for more |
849679 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-13 01:44Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W | Click for more |
849680 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-13 07:03Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849692 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-13 16:52Z | 56° 28' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
849711 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-14 17:41Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849723 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-14 21:32Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 9' W | Click for more |
849735 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 14:17Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
849747 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 17:18Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
849759 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 21:24Z | 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W | Click for more |
849760 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-15 23:01Z | 56° 37' N, 8° 59' W | Click for more |
849772 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 01:03Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 5' W | Click for more |
849784 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 01:58Z | 56° 39' N, 9° 7' W | Click for more |
849796 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 08:42Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
849803 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 12:03Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 0' W | Click for more |
849815 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-16 17:20Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
849827 | CTD/STD cast | 1995-08-13 09:57Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
1653072 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 23:38Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 18' W | Click for more |
1653084 | Bottle station | 1995-08-13 02:27Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 39' W | Click for more |
1653096 | Bottle station | 1995-08-13 07:13Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
1653103 | Bottle station | 1995-08-13 17:11Z | 56° 28' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
1653115 | Bottle station | 1995-08-14 14:36Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
1653127 | Bottle station | 1995-08-14 17:52Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
1653139 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 10:10Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 2' W | Click for more |
1653140 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 14:27Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
1653152 | Bottle station | 1995-08-11 09:42Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 52' W | Click for more |
1653164 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 17:30Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
1653176 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 19:58Z | 56° 28' N, 8° 58' W | Click for more |
1653188 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 21:31Z | 56° 36' N, 8° 55' W | Click for more |
1653207 | Bottle station | 1995-08-15 23:12Z | 56° 37' N, 8° 59' W | Click for more |
1653219 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 00:14Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
1653220 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 01:23Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 5' W | Click for more |
1653232 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 02:21Z | 56° 39' N, 9° 7' W | Click for more |
1653244 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 04:07Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
1653256 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 08:53Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
1653268 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 12:19Z | 56° 38' N, 9° 0' W | Click for more |
1653281 | Bottle station | 1995-08-11 14:20Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
1653293 | Bottle station | 1995-08-16 17:33Z | 56° 37' N, 9° 1' W | Click for more |
1653300 | Bottle station | 1995-08-11 19:53Z | 56° 27' N, 8° 57' W | Click for more |
1653312 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 09:03Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 4' W | Click for more |
1653324 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 14:28Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
1653336 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 18:35Z | 56° 26' N, 9° 3' W | Click for more |
1653348 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 20:35Z | 56° 27' N, 9° 7' W | Click for more |
1653361 | Bottle station | 1995-08-12 21:44Z | 56° 28' N, 9° 10' W | Click for more |
1676243 | Pumped water sample | 1995-08-11 07:27Z to 1995-08-17 19:46Z | 56° 25' N to 56° 40' N; 9° 18' W to 8° 37' W | Click for more |
Project Database
# Events | Gear Type | Parameters Held |
4 | Sholkovitz Gravity Corer | |
19 | Instrument mooring | |
33 | Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply |
Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies |
30 | CTD frame plus rosette sampler |
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column Density of the water column Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies |
6 | Multicorer |
Stable isotopes in sediment
5 | Underwater camera system |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)