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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D264


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Discovery (74E3) cruise D264
Short name D264
Objectives and Narrative RRS Discovery cruise 264 was the third of four supported by the NERC Marine Productivity (MarProd) thematic programme. The MarProd cruise series provides the main opportunity for data- and sample-gathering to address the overall programme goal, viz: "to develop coupled modelling and observation systems for the pelagic ecosystem, with emphasis on physical factors affecting zooplankton dynamics". The principal cruise-specific research objectives for Discovery 264 were as follows: 1) Map the physical features of the survey region (Irminger Sea and parts of the Iceland Basin) in terms of water mass distribution, velocity field and mixed layer properties 2) To measure high resolution profiles of inorganic nutrient concentrations 3) Collect water samples for plant pigment and microscopic analyses, to estimate the biomass of different taxonomic/functional groups of microplankton. 4) Determine the 3D abundance of mesozooplankton of interest (primarily the copepod Calanus finmarchicus), and their planktivorous predators (primarily euphausiid spp), obtaining material for further taxonomic, physiological and biochemical studies. The process studies covered: estimation of primary productivity, Calanus egg production and naupliae development, the influence of food quality on calanus egg production, Oithona and Calanus naupliae feeding experiments, Oithona egg production, collection of samples for lipid hormone analysis, collection of samples fo C/N and stable isotope ratios. The broad scope of the dataset compiled by the Marine Productivity series of cruises to the Irminger Sea is intended to facilitate comparisons with historical datasets (eg NORWESTLANT, 1963 and Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys); EU-supported zooplankton programmes (TASC and ICOS); and other national and international studies.
Ship RRS Discovery
Departure Port Fairlie, United Kingdom
Departure Date 2002-07-25
Arrival Port Fairlie, United Kingdom
Arrival Date 2002-08-28
Principal Scientist(s) Andrew S Brierley (Gatty Marine Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Gatty Marine Laboratory, Southampton Oceanography Centre
Associated Project(s) Marine Productivity
IHB Sea Areas Visited North Atlantic Ocean
Marsden Squares Visited 181;4/182/183/184/185/219/220
Work Area Description Northern North Atlantic, Iceland Basin, Irminger Sea, Reykjanes Ridge
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD: Sea-Bird 911+ with dual CT sensors, dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, fluorometer, OBS, Niskin bottles.  
CTD stations Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: number of stations = 28
Description: 300 & 600 kHz ADCP mounted on CTD frame.  
Optics (eg underwater light levels) Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD: Sea-Bird 911+ with dual CT sensors, dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, fluorometer, OBS, Niskin bottles.  
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Description: Ship's underway navigation, sea surface (thermosalinograph, transm, fluor and FRRF) and meterorogical measurements plus 75 and 150 kHz VM-ADCP and wave measurements.  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Description: Ship's underway navigation, sea surface (thermosalinograph, transm, fluor and FRRF) and meterorogical measurements plus 75 and 150 kHz VM-ADCP and wave measurements.  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD: Sea-Bird 911+ with dual CT sensors, dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, fluorometer, OBS, Niskin bottles.  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of stations = 22
Description: Ocean Sampler towed multinet system with water sampling system and OPC  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD: Sea-Bird 911+ with dual CT sensors, dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, fluorometer, OBS, Niskin bottles.  
Water bottle stations Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Chemical oceanography  
Nitrate Description: Nutrient and dissolved gas profiles at CTD and ARIES stations, and underway non-toxic supply  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 23
Description: CTD: Sea-Bird 911+ with dual CT sensors, dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, fluorometer, OBS, Niskin bottles.  
Oxygen Description: Nutrient and dissolved gas profiles at CTD and ARIES stations, and underway non-toxic supply  
Phosphate Description: Nutrient and dissolved gas profiles at CTD and ARIES stations, and underway non-toxic supply  
Silicate Description: Nutrient and dissolved gas profiles at CTD and ARIES stations, and underway non-toxic supply  
Biology and fisheries  
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms. Quantity: number of stations = 28
Description: 300 & 600 kHz ADCP mounted on CTD frame.  
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms. Quantity: number of deployments = 54
Description: Lowered EK500 scientific echosounder  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of hauls = 22
Description: Dual Methot net  
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids) Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Other biological/fisheries measurement Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Other biological/fisheries measurement Quantity: number of hauls = 22
Description: Dual Methot net  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of deployments = 23
Description: Fast Repetition rate Fluorometer (FRRF), short, vertical casts.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Description: Total and size fractionated chlorophyll concentration from CTD, ARIES, Ocean Sampler stations, and underway non-toxic supply.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Description: Ship's underway navigation, sea surface (thermosalinograph, transm, fluor and FRRF) and meterorogical measurements plus 75 and 150 kHz VM-ADCP and wave measurements.  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of stations = 22
Description: Ocean Sampler towed multinet system with water sampling system and OPC  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of deployments = 7
Description: Continuous Plankton Recorder  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of hauls = 22
Description: Dual Methot net  
Zooplankton Quantity: number of deployments = 26
Description: ARIES towed zooplankton multinet system with CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, OPC, water bottle sampler for sal and chl calibration samples and nutrients, and zooplankton net systems (discrete and integrated).  
Incident radiation Description: Ship's underway navigation, sea surface (thermosalinograph, transm, fluor and FRRF) and meterorogical measurements plus 75 and 150 kHz VM-ADCP and wave measurements.  
Other meteorological measurements Description: Ship's underway navigation, sea surface (thermosalinograph, transm, fluor and FRRF) and meterorogical measurements plus 75 and 150 kHz VM-ADCP and wave measurements.  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
61° 26' N 40° 0' W Routine standard measurements UK Met Office drifting buoy (Argos 21512) with atmospheric pressure and temperature sensors deployed.
57° 27' N 35° 0' W Routine standard measurements UK Met Office drifting buoy (Argos 21570) with atmospheric pressure and temperature sensors deployed.

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
74 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
32 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
32 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
20 Acoustic doppler current profiler Acoustic backscatter in the water column
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Raw current meter output parameters
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
47 Optical plankton counter Bathymetry and Elevation
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Sampling parameters
Sea level
Vertical spatial coordinates
Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
646391 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-21 04:05:24Z to 2002-08-21 09:05:53Z From 59° 31' N, 40° 52' W to 59° 19' N, 40° 48' W Click for more
646409 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-21 13:11:28Z to 2002-08-21 14:00:58Z From 59° 21' N, 40° 45' W to 59° 22' N, 40° 43' W Click for more
646410 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-22 03:05:00Z to 2002-08-22 08:18:31Z From 58° 55' N, 38° 45' W to 59° 6' N, 38° 27' W Click for more
646422 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-22 12:58:20Z to 2002-08-22 13:20:20Z From 59° 6' N, 38° 27' W to 59° 7' N, 38° 28' W Click for more
646434 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-22 23:29:06Z to 2002-08-23 03:47:07Z From 57° 58' N, 36° 28' W to 57° 49' N, 36° 24' W Click for more
646446 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-23 04:38:07Z to 2002-08-23 05:47:37Z From 57° 50' N, 36° 24' W to 57° 54' N, 36° 24' W Click for more
646458 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-23 19:17:51Z to 2002-08-23 22:33:51Z From 57° 11' N, 34° 22' W to 57° 3' N, 34° 17' W Click for more
646471 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-28 22:37:54Z to 2002-07-28 23:44:24Z From 58° 59' N, 18° 58' W to 59° 0' N, 19° 2' W Click for more
646483 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-29 00:57:50Z to 2002-07-29 06:32:18Z From 59° 1' N, 19° 4' W to 59° 9' N, 19° 27' W Click for more
646495 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-30 14:47:44Z to 2002-07-30 15:10:14Z From 60° 51' N, 24° 38' W to 60° 50' N, 24° 39' W Click for more
646502 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-30 19:21:07Z to 2002-07-30 22:44:06Z From 60° 47' N, 24° 42' W to 60° 54' N, 24° 55' W Click for more
646514 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-31 14:43:53Z to 2002-07-31 15:38:22Z From 61° 39' N, 26° 59' W to 61° 37' N, 26° 58' W Click for more
646526 Optical plankton counter 2002-07-31 18:32:52Z to 2002-07-31 19:55:22Z From 61° 43' N, 27° 8' W to 61° 46' N, 27° 13' W Click for more
646538 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-01 15:55:28Z to 2002-08-01 17:02:57Z From 62° 38' N, 29° 9' W to 62° 35' N, 29° 7' W Click for more
646551 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-01 20:31:09Z to 2002-08-02 00:05:38Z From 62° 29' N, 29° 8' W to 62° 21' N, 29° 16' W Click for more
646563 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-02 11:20:23Z to 2002-08-02 12:37:52Z From 62° 36' N, 29° 50' W to 62° 33' N, 29° 49' W Click for more
646575 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-02 21:27:23Z to 2002-08-03 01:37:22Z From 61° 38' N, 29° 27' W to 61° 29' N, 29° 24' W Click for more
646587 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-03 09:41:16Z to 2002-08-03 10:45:16Z From 60° 52' N, 29° 19' W to 60° 49' N, 29° 19' W Click for more
646599 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-03 19:21:56Z to 2002-08-03 20:24:55Z From 60° 9' N, 29° 13' W to 60° 10' N, 29° 18' W Click for more
646606 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-03 23:33:07Z to 2002-08-04 01:30:06Z From 60° 12' N, 29° 30' W to 60° 13' N, 29° 39' W Click for more
646618 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-04 16:55:17Z to 2002-08-04 17:58:47Z From 60° 24' N, 30° 55' W to 60° 27' N, 30° 55' W Click for more
646631 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-04 21:06:11Z to 2002-08-05 00:32:41Z From 60° 33' N, 30° 57' W to 60° 42' N, 31° 3' W Click for more
646643 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-05 15:51:03Z to 2002-08-05 16:51:33Z From 60° 37' N, 33° 6' W to 60° 36' N, 33° 12' W Click for more
646655 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-05 19:39:36Z to 2002-08-06 00:04:34Z From 60° 38' N, 33° 22' W to 60° 36' N, 33° 40' W Click for more
646667 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-06 17:23:36Z to 2002-08-06 18:19:06Z From 60° 48' N, 35° 1' W to 60° 48' N, 35° 6' W Click for more
646679 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-06 21:25:15Z to 2002-08-07 03:28:13Z From 60° 49' N, 35° 20' W to 60° 56' N, 35° 54' W Click for more
646680 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-07 15:58:27Z to 2002-08-07 16:46:26Z From 61° 6' N, 36° 42' W to 61° 4' N, 36° 43' W Click for more
646692 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-07 19:43:40Z to 2002-08-08 01:16:38Z From 60° 59' N, 36° 49' W to 60° 55' N, 37° 22' W Click for more
646711 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-08 16:40:00Z to 2002-08-08 17:02:30Z From 61° 22' N, 38° 14' W to 61° 22' N, 38° 16' W Click for more
646723 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-08 20:34:49Z to 2002-08-09 00:37:18Z From 61° 24' N, 38° 31' W to 61° 30' N, 38° 50' W Click for more
646735 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-10 13:54:29Z to 2002-08-10 15:00:00Z From 63° 30' N, 36° 3' W to 63° 30' N, 35° 56' W Click for more
646747 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-10 18:08:24Z to 2002-08-10 21:47:53Z From 63° 30' N, 35° 43' W to 63° 31' N, 35° 27' W Click for more
646759 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-14 03:11:32Z to 2002-08-14 06:45:02Z From 64° 22' N, 34° 13' W to 64° 31' N, 34° 11' W Click for more
646760 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-14 07:36:33Z to 2002-08-14 08:35:03Z From 64° 31' N, 34° 11' W to 64° 34' N, 34° 10' W Click for more
646772 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-15 03:45:32Z to 2002-08-15 04:41:00Z From 64° 35' N, 35° 37' W to 64° 37' N, 35° 34' W Click for more
646784 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-15 05:28:13Z to 2002-08-15 06:22:13Z From 64° 37' N, 35° 34' W to 64° 40' N, 35° 31' W Click for more
646796 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-15 22:47:30Z to 2002-08-15 23:16:30Z From 64° 48' N, 37° 46' W to 64° 47' N, 37° 46' W Click for more
646803 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-15 23:59:21Z to 2002-08-16 00:41:21Z From 64° 46' N, 37° 46' W to 64° 43' N, 37° 44' W Click for more
646815 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-16 17:04:40Z to 2002-08-16 17:22:40Z From 63° 44' N, 37° 32' W to 63° 43' N, 37° 31' W Click for more
646827 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-16 19:36:14Z to 2002-08-16 20:04:44Z From 63° 43' N, 37° 29' W to 63° 43' N, 37° 27' W Click for more
646839 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-17 05:50:03Z to 2002-08-17 07:57:03Z From 63° 40' N, 37° 34' W to 63° 36' N, 37° 42' W Click for more
646840 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-17 18:48:20Z to 2002-08-17 22:22:19Z From 62° 53' N, 38° 47' W to 62° 46' N, 38° 57' W Click for more
646852 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-18 01:42:54Z to 2002-08-18 02:49:23Z From 62° 42' N, 39° 5' W to 62° 39' N, 39° 9' W Click for more
646864 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-19 01:22:23Z to 2002-08-19 04:25:23Z From 61° 31' N, 40° 40' W to 61° 27' N, 40° 28' W Click for more
646876 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-19 05:30:08Z to 2002-08-19 06:28:08Z From 61° 27' N, 40° 26' W to 61° 29' N, 40° 27' W Click for more
646888 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-20 17:02:25Z to 2002-08-20 17:41:55Z From 59° 50' N, 42° 17' W to 59° 51' N, 42° 16' W Click for more
646907 Optical plankton counter 2002-08-20 19:17:57Z to 2002-08-20 19:55:57Z From 59° 51' N, 42° 18' W to 59° 50' N, 42° 16' W Click for more
662250 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-29 13:27Z to 2002-07-29 16:04Z 59° 13' N, 19° 37' W Click for more
662262 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-30 11:49Z to 2002-07-30 13:45Z 60° 52' N, 24° 38' W Click for more
662274 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 03:58Z to 2002-07-31 05:31Z 61° 15' N, 25° 50' W Click for more
662286 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 13:04Z to 2002-07-31 13:59Z 61° 40' N, 27° 0' W Click for more
662298 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 23:04Z to 2002-08-01 00:35Z 61° 58' N, 27° 47' W Click for more
662305 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 04:18Z to 2002-08-01 05:50Z 62° 21' N, 28° 31' W Click for more
662317 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 12:37Z to 2002-08-01 14:52Z 62° 39' N, 29° 12' W Click for more
662329 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-02 05:16Z to 2002-08-02 07:02Z 63° 1' N, 30° 0' W Click for more
662330 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-03 17:42Z to 2002-08-03 18:42Z 60° 9' N, 29° 12' W Click for more
662342 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 03:43Z to 2002-08-04 05:09Z 60° 16' N, 30° 8' W Click for more
662354 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 11:36Z to 2002-08-04 13:39Z 60° 22' N, 30° 57' W Click for more
662366 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 04:19Z to 2002-08-05 06:23Z 60° 31' N, 32° 5' W Click for more
662378 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 12:45Z to 2002-08-05 15:14Z 60° 39' N, 33° 3' W Click for more
662391 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 04:59Z to 2002-08-06 07:37Z 60° 46' N, 33° 58' W Click for more
662409 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 13:44Z to 2002-08-06 16:38Z 60° 48' N, 35° 2' W Click for more
662410 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 04:29Z to 2002-08-07 07:04Z 61° 1' N, 35° 52' W Click for more
662422 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 12:41Z to 2002-08-07 15:23Z 61° 7' N, 36° 42' W Click for more
662434 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-08 03:08Z to 2002-08-08 05:30Z 61° 9' N, 37° 32' W Click for more
662446 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 02:00Z to 2002-08-09 04:12Z 61° 22' N, 38° 57' W Click for more
662458 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 14:49Z to 2002-08-09 17:03Z 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W Click for more
662471 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-10 11:21Z to 2002-08-10 13:19Z 63° 30' N, 36° 4' W Click for more
662483 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 11:29Z to 2002-08-13 14:06Z 64° 10' N, 31° 28' W Click for more
662495 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 18:18Z to 2002-08-13 20:37Z 64° 21' N, 32° 52' W Click for more
662502 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 12:01Z to 2002-08-14 13:44Z 64° 32' N, 34° 16' W Click for more
662514 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 15:10Z to 2002-08-14 16:54Z 64° 35' N, 34° 31' W Click for more
662526 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 18:33Z to 2002-08-14 20:14Z 64° 36' N, 34° 49' W Click for more
662538 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 22:06Z to 2002-08-14 23:10Z 64° 37' N, 34° 58' W Click for more
662551 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 08:00Z to 2002-08-15 08:33Z 64° 37' N, 35° 7' W Click for more
662563 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 13:12Z to 2002-08-15 14:10Z 64° 41' N, 35° 33' W Click for more
662575 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 01:30Z to 2002-08-16 02:06Z 64° 42' N, 37° 45' W Click for more
662587 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 13:16Z to 2002-08-16 13:58Z 63° 44' N, 37° 30' W Click for more
662599 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 22:25Z to 2002-08-16 23:56Z 63° 39' N, 37° 0' W Click for more
662606 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-18 08:18Z to 2002-08-18 10:10Z 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W Click for more
662618 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-19 07:48Z to 2002-08-19 09:40Z 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W Click for more
662631 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 05:37Z to 2002-08-20 07:19Z 59° 58' N, 41° 42' W Click for more
662643 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 14:33Z to 2002-08-20 15:17Z 59° 50' N, 42° 19' W Click for more
662655 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 20:27Z to 2002-08-20 20:59Z 59° 49' N, 42° 17' W Click for more
663449 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-29 13:27Z to 2002-07-29 16:04Z 59° 13' N, 19° 37' W Click for more
663450 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-30 11:49Z to 2002-07-30 13:45Z 60° 52' N, 24° 38' W Click for more
663462 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 03:58Z to 2002-07-31 05:31Z 61° 15' N, 25° 50' W Click for more
663474 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 13:04Z to 2002-07-31 13:59Z 61° 40' N, 27° 0' W Click for more
663486 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 23:04Z to 2002-08-01 00:35Z 61° 58' N, 27° 47' W Click for more
663498 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 04:18Z to 2002-08-01 05:50Z 62° 21' N, 28° 31' W Click for more
663505 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 12:37Z to 2002-08-01 14:52Z 62° 39' N, 29° 12' W Click for more
663517 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-02 05:16Z to 2002-08-02 07:02Z 63° 1' N, 30° 0' W Click for more
663529 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-03 17:42Z to 2002-08-03 18:42Z 60° 9' N, 29° 12' W Click for more
663530 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 03:43Z to 2002-08-04 05:09Z 60° 16' N, 30° 8' W Click for more
663542 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 11:36Z to 2002-08-04 13:39Z 60° 22' N, 30° 57' W Click for more
663554 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 04:19Z to 2002-08-05 06:23Z 60° 31' N, 32° 5' W Click for more
663566 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 12:45Z to 2002-08-05 15:14Z 60° 39' N, 33° 3' W Click for more
663578 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 05:00Z to 2002-08-06 07:37Z 60° 46' N, 33° 58' W Click for more
663591 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 13:44Z to 2002-08-06 16:38Z 60° 48' N, 35° 2' W Click for more
663609 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 04:29Z to 2002-08-07 07:04Z 61° 1' N, 35° 52' W Click for more
663610 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 12:41Z to 2002-08-07 15:23Z 61° 7' N, 36° 42' W Click for more
663622 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-08 03:08Z to 2002-08-08 05:30Z 61° 9' N, 37° 32' W Click for more
663634 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 02:00Z to 2002-08-09 04:12Z 61° 22' N, 38° 57' W Click for more
663646 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 14:49Z to 2002-08-09 17:03Z 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W Click for more
663658 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-10 11:21Z to 2002-08-10 13:19Z 63° 30' N, 36° 4' W Click for more
663671 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 11:29Z to 2002-08-13 14:06Z 64° 10' N, 31° 28' W Click for more
663683 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 18:18Z to 2002-08-13 20:37Z 64° 21' N, 32° 52' W Click for more
663695 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 12:01Z to 2002-08-14 13:44Z 64° 32' N, 34° 16' W Click for more
663702 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 15:10Z to 2002-08-14 16:54Z 64° 35' N, 34° 31' W Click for more
663714 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 18:33Z to 2002-08-14 20:14Z 64° 36' N, 34° 49' W Click for more
663726 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 22:06Z to 2002-08-14 23:10Z 64° 37' N, 34° 58' W Click for more
663738 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 08:00Z to 2002-08-15 08:33Z 64° 37' N, 35° 7' W Click for more
663751 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 13:12Z to 2002-08-15 14:10Z 64° 41' N, 35° 33' W Click for more
663763 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 01:30Z to 2002-08-16 02:06Z 64° 42' N, 37° 45' W Click for more
663775 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 13:16Z to 2002-08-16 13:58Z 63° 44' N, 37° 30' W Click for more
663787 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 22:25Z to 2002-08-16 23:56Z 63° 39' N, 37° 0' W Click for more
663799 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-18 08:18Z to 2002-08-18 10:10Z 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W Click for more
663806 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-19 07:48Z to 2002-08-19 09:40Z 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W Click for more
663818 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 05:37Z to 2002-08-20 07:19Z 59° 58' N, 41° 42' W Click for more
663831 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 14:33Z to 2002-08-20 15:17Z 59° 50' N, 42° 19' W Click for more
663843 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 20:27Z to 2002-08-20 20:59Z 59° 49' N, 42° 17' W Click for more
665315 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-26 15:06:56Z to 2002-07-27 11:57:02Z From 55° 30' N, 4° 51' W to 56° 23' N, 9° 44' W Click for more
665327 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-27 11:59:03Z to 2002-07-28 08:57:27Z From 56° 24' N, 9° 45' W to 57° 55' N, 15° 24' W Click for more
665339 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-28 08:59:27Z to 2002-07-29 08:58:55Z From 57° 55' N, 15° 24' W to 59° 12' N, 19° 36' W Click for more
665340 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-29 09:00:53Z to 2002-07-30 08:58:10Z From 59° 12' N, 19° 36' W to 60° 51' N, 24° 35' W Click for more
665352 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-30 09:00:11Z to 2002-07-31 08:58:49Z From 60° 51' N, 24° 36' W to 61° 35' N, 26° 46' W Click for more
665364 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 09:00:48Z to 2002-08-01 08:57:25Z From 61° 35' N, 26° 46' W to 62° 38' N, 29° 13' W Click for more
665376 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 08:59:25Z to 2002-08-02 08:57:26Z From 62° 38' N, 29° 13' W to 62° 48' N, 29° 54' W Click for more
665388 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-02 08:59:25Z to 2002-08-03 08:57:27Z From 62° 48' N, 29° 54' W to 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W Click for more
665407 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-03 08:59:26Z to 2002-08-04 08:58:39Z From 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W to 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W Click for more
665419 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 09:00:40Z to 2002-08-05 08:58:40Z From 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W to 60° 37' N, 32° 47' W Click for more
665420 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 09:00:39Z to 2002-08-06 08:58:39Z From 60° 37' N, 32° 48' W to 60° 47' N, 34° 12' W Click for more
665432 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 09:00:39Z to 2002-08-07 08:57:35Z From 60° 48' N, 34° 12' W to 61° 5' N, 36° 22' W Click for more
665444 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-08 08:57:34Z From 61° 5' N, 36° 24' W to 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W Click for more
665456 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-08 08:59:34Z to 2002-08-09 08:57:33Z From 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W to 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W Click for more
665468 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-10 08:57:34Z From 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W to 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W Click for more
665481 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-10 08:59:34Z to 2002-08-11 08:57:33Z From 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W to 63° 44' N, 31° 7' W Click for more
665493 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-11 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-12 08:57:47Z From 63° 44' N, 31° 7' W to 64° 7' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
665500 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-12 08:59:47Z to 2002-08-13 08:57:41Z From 64° 7' N, 22° 49' W to 64° 10' N, 31° 22' W Click for more
665512 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-14 08:57:41Z From 64° 10' N, 31° 22' W to 64° 34' N, 34° 10' W Click for more
665524 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 08:59:40Z to 2002-08-15 08:57:41Z From 64° 34' N, 34° 10' W to 64° 38' N, 35° 11' W Click for more
665536 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-16 08:57:41Z From 64° 38' N, 35° 12' W to 63° 53' N, 37° 31' W Click for more
665548 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-17 08:57:42Z From 63° 52' N, 37° 31' W to 63° 42' N, 37° 31' W Click for more
665561 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-17 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-18 08:58:00Z From 63° 42' N, 37° 31' W to 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W Click for more
665573 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-18 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-19 08:58:01Z From 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W to 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W Click for more
665585 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-19 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-20 08:58:01Z From 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W to 59° 57' N, 41° 57' W Click for more
665597 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-21 08:58:01Z From 59° 57' N, 41° 57' W to 59° 19' N, 40° 48' W Click for more
665604 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-21 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-22 08:58:00Z From 59° 19' N, 40° 48' W to 59° 6' N, 38° 25' W Click for more
665616 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-22 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-23 08:58:06Z From 59° 6' N, 38° 25' W to 57° 51' N, 36° 13' W Click for more
665628 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-23 09:00:06Z to 2002-08-24 08:58:05Z From 57° 51' N, 36° 13' W to 56° 52' N, 31° 22' W Click for more
665641 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-24 09:00:04Z to 2002-08-25 08:57:18Z From 56° 52' N, 31° 21' W to 56° 28' N, 24° 7' W Click for more
665653 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-25 08:59:18Z to 2002-08-26 08:57:19Z From 56° 28' N, 24° 6' W to 56° 2' N, 16° 22' W Click for more
665665 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-26 08:59:18Z to 2002-08-26 17:31:18Z From 56° 2' N, 16° 22' W to 55° 51' N, 13° 28' W Click for more
668208 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-26 15:06:56Z to 2002-07-27 11:57:02Z From 55° 30' N, 4° 51' W to 56° 23' N, 9° 44' W Click for more
668221 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-27 11:59:03Z to 2002-07-28 08:57:27Z From 56° 24' N, 9° 45' W to 57° 55' N, 15° 24' W Click for more
668233 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-28 08:59:27Z to 2002-07-29 08:58:55Z From 57° 55' N, 15° 25' W to 59° 12' N, 19° 36' W Click for more
668245 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-29 09:00:53Z to 2002-07-30 08:58:10Z From 59° 12' N, 19° 36' W to 60° 51' N, 24° 35' W Click for more
668257 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-30 09:00:11Z to 2002-07-31 08:58:49Z From 60° 51' N, 24° 36' W to 61° 35' N, 26° 46' W Click for more
668269 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-31 09:00:48Z to 2002-08-01 08:57:25Z From 61° 35' N, 26° 46' W to 62° 38' N, 29° 13' W Click for more
668270 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 08:59:25Z to 2002-08-02 08:57:26Z From 62° 38' N, 29° 13' W to 62° 48' N, 29° 54' W Click for more
668282 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-02 08:59:25Z to 2002-08-03 08:57:27Z From 62° 48' N, 29° 54' W to 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W Click for more
668294 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-03 08:59:26Z to 2002-08-04 08:58:39Z From 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W to 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W Click for more
668301 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 09:00:40Z to 2002-08-05 08:58:40Z From 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W to 60° 37' N, 32° 47' W Click for more
668313 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 09:00:39Z to 2002-08-06 08:58:39Z From 60° 37' N, 32° 48' W to 60° 47' N, 34° 12' W Click for more
668325 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 09:00:39Z to 2002-08-07 08:57:35Z From 60° 48' N, 34° 12' W to 61° 5' N, 36° 22' W Click for more
668337 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-08 08:57:34Z From 61° 5' N, 36° 24' W to 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W Click for more
668349 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-08 08:59:34Z to 2002-08-09 08:57:33Z From 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W to 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W Click for more
668350 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-10 08:57:34Z From 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W to 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W Click for more
668362 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-10 08:59:34Z to 2002-08-11 08:57:33Z From 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W to 63° 44' N, 31° 7' W Click for more
668374 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-11 08:59:35Z to 2002-08-12 08:57:47Z From 63° 44' N, 31° 7' W to 64° 7' N, 22° 49' W Click for more
668386 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-12 08:59:47Z to 2002-08-13 08:57:41Z From 64° 7' N, 22° 49' W to 64° 10' N, 31° 22' W Click for more
668398 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-14 08:57:41Z From 64° 10' N, 31° 22' W to 64° 34' N, 34° 10' W Click for more
668405 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-14 08:59:40Z to 2002-08-15 08:57:41Z From 64° 34' N, 34° 10' W to 64° 38' N, 35° 11' W Click for more
668417 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-16 08:57:41Z From 64° 38' N, 35° 12' W to 63° 53' N, 37° 31' W Click for more
668429 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-16 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-17 08:57:42Z From 63° 52' N, 37° 31' W to 63° 42' N, 37° 31' W Click for more
668430 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-17 08:59:41Z to 2002-08-18 08:58:00Z From 63° 42' N, 37° 31' W to 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W Click for more
668442 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-18 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-19 08:58:01Z From 62° 36' N, 39° 10' W to 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W Click for more
668454 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-19 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-20 08:58:01Z From 61° 27' N, 40° 23' W to 59° 57' N, 41° 57' W Click for more
668466 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-20 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-21 08:58:01Z From 59° 57' N, 41° 57' W to 59° 19' N, 40° 48' W Click for more
668478 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-21 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-22 08:58:00Z From 59° 19' N, 40° 48' W to 59° 6' N, 38° 25' W Click for more
668491 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-22 09:00:00Z to 2002-08-23 08:58:06Z From 59° 6' N, 38° 25' W to 57° 51' N, 36° 13' W Click for more
668509 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-23 09:00:06Z to 2002-08-24 08:58:05Z From 57° 51' N, 36° 13' W to 56° 52' N, 31° 22' W Click for more
668510 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-24 09:00:04Z to 2002-08-25 08:57:18Z From 56° 52' N, 31° 21' W to 56° 28' N, 24° 7' W Click for more
668522 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-25 08:59:18Z to 2002-08-26 08:57:19Z From 56° 28' N, 24° 6' W to 56° 2' N, 16° 22' W Click for more
668534 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-26 08:59:18Z to 2002-08-26 17:31:18Z From 56° 2' N, 16° 22' W to 55° 51' N, 13° 28' W Click for more
691438 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-27 18:14:31Z to 2002-07-28 11:06:38Z From 56° 49' N, 11° 27' W to 58° 6' N, 15° 58' W Click for more
691451 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-28 11:10:23Z to 2002-07-28 20:02:01Z From 58° 6' N, 15° 58' W to 58° 50' N, 18° 24' W Click for more
691463 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-28 20:04:45Z to 2002-07-29 05:23:21Z From 58° 50' N, 18° 25' W to 59° 7' N, 19° 22' W Click for more
691475 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-07-29 05:25:27Z to 2002-08-01 21:09:44Z From 59° 7' N, 19° 22' W to 62° 27' N, 29° 9' W Click for more
691487 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-01 21:52:22Z to 2002-08-03 09:00:28Z From 62° 25' N, 29° 10' W to 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W Click for more
691499 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-03 09:02:31Z to 2002-08-04 09:00:33Z From 60° 51' N, 29° 19' W to 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W Click for more
691506 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-04 09:02:37Z to 2002-08-05 08:58:39Z From 60° 21' N, 31° 0' W to 60° 37' N, 32° 47' W Click for more
691518 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-05 09:01:01Z to 2002-08-06 08:59:03Z From 60° 37' N, 32° 48' W to 60° 47' N, 34° 12' W Click for more
691531 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-06 09:01:02Z to 2002-08-07 09:00:50Z From 60° 48' N, 34° 13' W to 61° 5' N, 36° 24' W Click for more
691543 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-07 09:02:50Z to 2002-08-08 09:00:50Z From 61° 5' N, 36° 25' W to 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W Click for more
691555 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-08 09:02:51Z to 2002-08-09 09:00:56Z From 61° 20' N, 38° 14' W to 61° 24' N, 39° 41' W Click for more
691567 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-09 09:02:58Z to 2002-08-10 08:58:59Z From 61° 24' N, 39° 40' W to 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W Click for more
691579 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-10 09:01:03Z to 2002-08-11 09:00:11Z From 63° 30' N, 36° 1' W to 63° 44' N, 31° 7' W Click for more
691580 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-11 09:02:09Z to 2002-08-12 06:28:12Z From 63° 44' N, 31° 6' W to 64° 5' N, 23° 35' W Click for more
691592 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-12 06:30:22Z to 2002-08-13 03:00:29Z From 64° 6' N, 23° 34' W to 64° 10' N, 28° 52' W Click for more
691611 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-13 03:09:07Z to 2002-08-15 03:57:18Z From 64° 10' N, 28° 55' W to 64° 35' N, 35° 37' W Click for more
691623 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-15 04:00:00Z to 2002-08-17 12:36:11Z From 64° 36' N, 35° 37' W to 63° 23' N, 38° 1' W Click for more
691635 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-17 12:41:02Z to 2002-08-21 23:27:26Z From 63° 22' N, 38° 2' W to 58° 54' N, 39° 0' W Click for more
691647 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-21 23:28:27Z to 2002-08-24 09:00:41Z From 58° 54' N, 39° 0' W to 56° 52' N, 31° 22' W Click for more
691659 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2002-08-24 09:02:39Z to 2002-08-26 17:08:43Z From 56° 52' N, 31° 21' W to 55° 51' N, 13° 36' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
70 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Biological detritus in the water column suspended particulate material
Carotenoid and flavenoid pigment concentrations in water bodies
Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column
Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies
Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Zooplankton chemical composition
Zooplankton growth rates
Phytoplankton taxonomic biomass in water bodies
Phytoplankton generic biomass in water bodies
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column
Zooplankton reproduction rate parameters
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Microzooplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies
Phytoplankton generic abundance in water bodies
Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Density of the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Metadata parameters
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Primary production in the water column
Experiment state variables
Zooplankton egg hatch proportion
26 MarLab Aberdeen ARIES net and environmental sampling system Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Reference numbers
Stomach and gut contents
Date and time
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Zooplankton and zoobenthos development stage parameters
Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Zooplankton chemical composition
Zooplankton growth rates
Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Density of the water column
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Metadata parameters
Fish abundance in water bodies
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
71 Continuous Plankton Recorder tow segment
428 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Zooplankton chemical composition
Salinity of the water column
Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column
Zooplankton reproduction rate parameters
Silicate concentration parameters in the water column
Metadata parameters
Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column
Experiment state variables
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
21 Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer Light Chamber Variable fluorescence parameters
21 Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer Dark Chamber Variable fluorescence parameters
3 Twin WP-2 net mounted on a frame Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Zooplankton feeding
Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters
Zooplankton reproduction rate parameters
Metadata parameters
22 Dual Methot net Zooplankton and zoobenthos development stage parameters
Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters
Concentration of other substances in biota
Stable isotopes in biota
Metadata parameters
1 1 metre diameter zooplankton ring net
26 Unspecified zooplankton net or nets Zooplankton growth rates
Zooplankton chemical composition
Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Zooplankton feeding
Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters
Zooplankton reproduction rate parameters
Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as protein per unit volume of the water column

Metadata parameters
22 Marine Lab Aberdeen Ocean Sampler net Zooplankton and zoobenthos development stage parameters
Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column

Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column
Metadata parameters
Fish abundance in water bodies
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
7 WP-2 zooplankton net Zooplankton chemical composition
Zooplankton growth rates
Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as protein per unit volume of the water column
6 Lowered EK-500 acoustic profiler

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report