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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS Charles Darwin (74AB) cruise CD160


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS Charles Darwin (74AB) cruise CD160
Short name CD160
Objectives and Narrative RRS Charles Darwin cruise 160 (CD160) was the second fieldwork component of a project under the auspices of the NERC Rapid Climate Change thematic programme (Rapid). Through Rapid, funding was awarded to Dr. Chris Hughes (POL), Dr. Ric Williams (University of Liverpool) and Prof. D. Marshall (University of Reading), working in collaboration with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Dr. M. Meredith (POL) was later subsumed into this grouping. The overall aim of the project was to investigate how signals propagate from higher latitudes down the western boundary of the North Atlantic, with a view to understanding the influence they might have on the large-scale overturning circulation in the Atlantic, and ultimately on climate. The fieldwork aspect of the project was to deploy arrays of Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPRs) and CTD moorings along specified satellite altimeter groundtracks off the eastern continental slope of Canada and the United States. The first stage of the deployments was conducted by RV Oceanus earlier in 2004, with one line of six BPRs being deployed on a line out towards Bermuda from the US. The purpose of CD160 was to deploy twelve further BPRs (some with Inverted Echo Sounders; IESs) and ten CTD moorings along two lines, one running approximately southwest from the Grand Banks, and a second running approximately southeast on the continental slope in front of Nova Scotia. The deployments were scheduled to be of two years duration, with recovery and redeployment in 2006, and a second recovery in 2008. Continuation beyond this would depend on future availability of funding. Whilst the top priority of CD160 was the BPR and mooring deployments, it was intended to also conduct CTD casts at each of the twelve sites. The CTD frame was fitted with two Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (LADCPs; one 150kHz and one 300kHz) to gain information on full-depth current velocities. Samples were to be drawn from the CTD rosette-mounted Niskins and stored for future analysis for the ratio of oxygen isotopes in seawater (d18O), and iodine-129 (I129). The first of these provides information on the high-latitude sources that provide freshwater signals to the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) of the North Atlantic. The second is the signature of discharge from European nuclear power plants; as a radioactive (and therefore time-dependent) tracer, it provides information on timescales for waters to circulate northward past Europe, circuit or short-circuit the Arctic, and subsequently flow southward in the DWBC. Each of these measurements would provide differing insights into the region under study, and contribute to answering the larger question of how the ocean influences climate. In practice, the CTD work was not entirely successful: the original CTD/LADCP package was lost in 3650m of water, and not recovered. A second CTD was borrowed from Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Halifax, Nova Scotia), but there was insufficient time to complete the whole planned series of casts - 2 CTDs were omitted.
Ship RRS Charles Darwin
Departure Port St. John's, Canada
Departure Date 2004-08-04
Arrival Port St. John's, Canada
Arrival Date 2004-08-24
Principal Scientist(s) Michael P Meredith (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Responsible Organisation Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Associated Project(s) RAPID
IHB Sea Areas Visited North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Marsden Squares Visited 150/151
Work Area Description Continental slope southwest of Grand Banks, and continental slope southeast of Nova Scotia
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: CTD stations conducted with original (UKORS) SeaBird 911+ instrument:- Site A0: 6/8/04, 18:20Z, 1810m depth, 43deg 16.38' N, 52deg 11.40' W Site A1: 7/8/04, 11:26Z, 2212m depth, 43deg 11.84' N, 52deg 14.59' W Site A2: 7/8/04, 17:44Z, 2724m depth, 43deg 06.58' N, 52deg 19.60' W Site A3: 8/8/04, 10:41Z, 3228m depth, 42deg 54.79' N, 52deg 29.20' W Site A4: 8/8/04, 20:50Z, 3672m depth, 42deg 40.02' N, 52deg 40.71' W For each of these stations, a 150kHz LADCP and a 300kHz LADCP were fitted on the CTD frame: raw datafiles are available for Sites A0-A3. The CTD/LADCP package was lost during recovery at Site A4, hence no LADCP data are available for this and subsequent sites.  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 5
Description: CTD stations conducted with replacement (Bedford Institute of Oceanography) SeaBird 911+ instrument:- Site B5: 20/8/04, 21:21Z, 4105m depth, 42deg 13.81' N, 60deg 17.62' W Site B4: 21/8/04, 11:22Z, 3648m depth, 42deg 26.72' N, 60deg 27.70' W Site B3: 21/8/04, 17:14Z, 3229m depth, 42deg 37.06' N, 60deg 36.49' W Site B2: 21/8/04, 22:02Z, 2748m depth, 42deg 48.86' N, 60deg 46.03' W Site B1: 22/8/04, 11:07Z, 2214m depth, 42deg 55.83' N, 60deg 50.97' W.  
Geochemical tracers (eg freons) Quantity: number of stations = 9
Description: Tracer samples were drawn from Niskins on above CTD casts, with the exception of Site A4 (the loss of the package during recovery prevented sampling). Samples will be shipped back to UK, and analysed for oxygen isotopes and iodine-129. 24 samples were drawn from each cast for oxygen isotopes, and around 12 per cast for iodine-129.  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in days = 19
Description: meteorolgy measurements. The Darwin 'surfmet' package was switched on for the duration of the cruise, providing thermosalinograph measurements (sea surface temperature, conductivity, fluorescence, beam transmission) and meteorology measurements (barometric pressure, wind speed & direction, air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically-active radiation and total incidence radiation). True wind speed and direction (rather than relative to ship) were derived, and uncalibrated sea surface salinity.  
Incident radiation Quantity: activity duration in days = 19
Description: meteorolgy measurements. The Darwin 'surfmet' package was switched on for the duration of the cruise, providing thermosalinograph measurements (sea surface temperature, conductivity, fluorescence, beam transmission) and meteorology measurements (barometric pressure, wind speed & direction, air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically-active radiation and total incidence radiation). True wind speed and direction (rather than relative to ship) were derived, and uncalibrated sea surface salinity.  
Routine standard measurements Quantity: activity duration in days = 19
Description: meteorolgy measurements. The Darwin 'surfmet' package was switched on for the duration of the cruise, providing thermosalinograph measurements (sea surface temperature, conductivity, fluorescence, beam transmission) and meteorology measurements (barometric pressure, wind speed & direction, air temperature, humidity, photosynthetically-active radiation and total incidence radiation). True wind speed and direction (rather than relative to ship) were derived, and uncalibrated sea surface salinity.  
Geology and geophysics  
Multi-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 19
Description: swath bathymetry measurements. The Simrad EM120 multi-beam echosounder (swath system) was turned on for most of the cruise. Sparse sound speed profiles were derived from CTD casts as input to the swath system. Raw data were logged; no processing was conducted onboard.  
Single-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 19
Description: single-beam echosounder measurements. The Simrad EA500 single-beam echosounder was switched on for the duration of the cruise. Corrected depth was calculated using the RVS prodep function. Some manual cleaning of this data was done routinely.  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
43° 12' N 52° 15' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A1: CTD mooring, deployed into 2217m, 7/8/04 (Jday 220), 14:00Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
43° 6' N 52° 19' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A2: CTD mooring, deployed into 2719m, 7/8/04 (Jday 220): 21:43Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 54' N 52° 28' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A3: CTD mooring, deployed into 3222m, 8/8/04 (Jday 221), 17:08Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500*, 1000, 1400* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger.
42° 40' N 52° 40' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A4: CTD mooring, deployed into 3666m, 10/8/04 (Jday 223), 23:25Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 28' N 52° 50' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site A5: CTD mooring, deployed into 4119m, 11/8/04 (Jday 224), 17:13Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500, 900, 1400*, 1900, 2300* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 55' N 60° 51' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B1: CTD mooring, deployed into 2213m, 18/8/04 (Jday 231), 21:43Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 49' N 60° 46' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B2: CTD mooring, deployed into 2714m, 19/8/04 (Jday 232), 00:17Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 37' N 60° 37' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B3: CTD mooring, deployed into 3209m, 19/8/04 (Jday 232), 16:35Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500*, 1000, 1400* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 26' N 60° 28' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B4: CTD mooring, deployed into 3665m, 19/8/04 (Jday 232), 20:24Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
42° 13' N 60° 18' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Site B5: CTD mooring, deployed into 4099m, 20/8/04 (Jday 233); 19:00Z. Heights of instruments above seafloor: 100, 200*, 300, 400, 500, 900, 1400*, 1900, 2300* (where * denotes CTD [Microcat with pressure sensor], and absence of * denotes CT logger).
43° 16' N 52° 11' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A0: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 1807m, 6/8/04 (Jday 219), 20:58Z
43° 12' N 52° 15' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A1: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 2227m, 7/8/04 (Jday 220), 14:16Z
43° 6' N 52° 19' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A2: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 2716m, 7/8/04 (Jday 220), 20:35Z
42° 55' N 52° 29' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A3: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 3220m, 8/8/04 (Jday 221), 13:42Z
42° 40' N 52° 40' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A4: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 3666m, 10/8/04 (Jday 223), 22:43Z
42° 28' N 52° 50' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site A5: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 4122m, 11/8/04 (Jday 224), 10:59Z
43° 0' N 60° 54' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B0: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 1838m, 18/8/04 (Jday 231), 17:13Z
42° 55' N 60° 51' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B1: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 2217m, 18/8/04, (Jday 231), 20:16Z
42° 49' N 60° 46' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B2: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 2714m, 18/8/04 (Jday 231), 23:02Z
42° 37' N 60° 36' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B3: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 3221m, 21/8/04 (jday 234), 16:29Z
42° 26' N 60° 28' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B4: Bottom Pressure Recorder, deployed into 3665m, 19/8/04 (Jday 232), 18:21Z
42° 13' N 60° 18' W Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) Site B5: Bottom Pressure Recorder/Inverted Echo Sounder deployed into 4099m, 20/8/04 (Jday 233), 19:07Z

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
6 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge Date and time
Reference numbers
Sea level
Temperature of the water column
5 CTD/STD cast Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
5 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 GPS positioning system Bathymetry and Elevation
Date and time
Horizontal platform movement
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Platform or instrument orientation
1 Meteorological data logger Air pressure
Air temperature
Atmospheric humidity
Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Solar Radiation
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere
Wind strength and direction
5 Moored CTD Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
4 Moored CTD Date and time
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Moored instrument depth
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
1 Thermosalinograph Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Raw fluorometer output
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
788327 Meteorological data logger 2004-08-04 19:56Z to 2004-08-24 10:58Z 42° 11' N to 47° 28' N; 63° 37' W to 52° 10' W Click for more
788339 GPS positioning system 2004-08-04 19:56Z to 2004-08-24 10:58Z 42° 11' N to 47° 28' N; 63° 37' W to 52° 10' W Click for more
792191 Thermosalinograph 2004-08-04 19:56Z to 2004-08-24 10:58Z 42° 11' N to 47° 28' N; 63° 37' W to 52° 10' W Click for more
862934 Moored CTD 2004-08-18 22:30Z to 2006-07-04 21:00Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more
862946 Moored CTD 2004-08-18 22:30Z to 2006-06-24 23:30Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more
862958 Moored CTD 2004-08-19 01:30Z to 2006-08-01 21:30Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
862971 Moored CTD 2004-08-19 01:30Z to 2006-08-01 20:00Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
862983 Moored CTD 2004-08-19 01:30Z to 2006-08-01 21:00Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
862995 Moored CTD 2004-08-18 22:30Z to 2006-05-08 02:30Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more
863009 Moored CTD 2004-08-18 22:30Z to 2006-04-27 05:30Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more
863010 Moored CTD 2004-08-19 01:30Z to 2006-05-05 21:00Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
863022 Moored CTD 2004-08-19 01:30Z to 2006-04-27 15:30Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
1040699 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-06 23:07Z to 2006-07-26 11:19Z 43° 15' N, 52° 11' W Click for more
1040706 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-07 19:52Z to 2006-07-26 15:06Z 43° 12' N, 52° 15' W Click for more
1040718 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-18 19:37Z to 2006-07-31 20:52Z 43° 0' N, 60° 54' W Click for more
1040743 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-18 22:22Z to 2005-10-31 22:22Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more
1040755 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-19 02:22Z to 2006-07-31 23:52Z 42° 49' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
1040780 Bottom pressure sensor tide gauge 2004-08-21 17:52Z to 2006-08-02 11:20Z 42° 37' N, 60° 36' W Click for more
1066254 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-06 18:20Z 43° 16' N, 52° 10' W Click for more
1066266 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-07 11:29Z 43° 11' N, 52° 14' W Click for more
1066278 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-07 17:48Z 43° 6' N, 52° 19' W Click for more
1066291 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-08 10:54Z 42° 55' N, 52° 29' W Click for more
1066309 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-08 20:52Z 42° 39' N, 52° 40' W Click for more
1066310 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-20 21:23Z 42° 13' N, 60° 17' W Click for more
1066322 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-21 11:26Z 42° 27' N, 60° 27' W Click for more
1066334 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-21 17:17Z 42° 37' N, 60° 36' W Click for more
1066346 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-21 22:05Z 42° 48' N, 60° 46' W Click for more
1066358 CTD/STD cast 2004-08-22 11:10Z 42° 55' N, 60° 51' W Click for more

Project Database

# Events Gear Type Parameters Held
10 CTD frame plus rosette sampler Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Temperature of the water column
Density of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
22 Instrument mooring
24 Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply Salinity of the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report