BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RV Prince Madog (74P2) cruise PD35/06
This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents
- Cruise Inventory Information
- A summary of BODC data holdings for the cruise from the
- References - including cruise tracks and cruise reports
Cruise Inventory Information
Long name | RV Prince Madog (74P2) cruise PD35/06 |
Short name | PD35/06 |
Objectives and Narrative |
(1) At 53 degrees 32 minutes N 3 degrees 21.8 minutes W, half a mile west of the Mersey Bar Light Vessel (site A) To recover: (a) A sea bed frame for a 600 kHz ADCP (waves ADCP) to measure the mean current profile, pressures and directional waves (b) A CEFAS SmartBuoy (with cellulose bags) in a single point mooring with Sea-Bird MicroCAT temperature, conductivity loggers at 5m and 10m below the surface. To deploy: (c) A sea bed frame for a 600 kHz ADCP (waves ADCP) to measure the mean current profile, pressures and directional waves (d) A CEFAS SmartBuoy (with cellulose bags) in a single point mooring with Sea-Bird MicroCAT temperature, conductivity loggers at 5m and 10m below the surface. 2) At 53 degrees 27 minutes N 3 degrees 38.6 minutes W (site 21, second site, B) To recover: (e) A sea bed frame for a 600 kHz ADCP (waves ADCP) to measure the mean current profile, pressures and directional waves (f) A CEFAS SmartBuoy (with cellulose bags) in a single point mooring. To deploy: (g) A sea bed frame for a 600 kHz ADCP (waves ADCP) to measure the mean current profile, pressures and directional waves (h) A CEFAS SmartBuoy (with cellulose bags) in a single point mooring. 3. To conduct a CTD / LISST survey of 34 sites every 5 miles covering the eastern Irish Sea between the North Wales coast and Blackpool and the Lancashire coast and the Great Orme, to determine the effects of the rivers Dee, Mersey and Ribble on Liverpool Bay. 4. To obtain calibration samples for salinity, transmittance, suspended sediment and for chlorophyll at selected stations. 5. To obtain near surface and bed water samples for nutrient and suspended sediment determination. 6. Collect 10 vertical net hauls at mooring site A. |
Ship | RV Prince Madog |
Departure Port | Menai Bridge, United Kingdom |
Departure Date | 2006-11-01 |
Arrival Port | Menai Bridge, United Kingdom |
Arrival Date | 2006-11-02 |
Principal Scientist(s) | Phil J Knight (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory) |
Responsible Organisation | University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences |
Associated Project(s) | |
IHB Sea Areas Visited | Irish Sea and St. George's Channel |
Marsden Squares Visited | 181;1 |
Work Area Description | Mersey Bar site |
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time | |
Work Area Bounding Polygon | |
Southern Limit | unknown |
Northern Limit | unknown |
Western Limit | unknown |
Eastern Limit | unknown |
Cruise Inventory Datasets
Physical oceanography | |
CTD stations |
number of stations =
Description: Sea-Bird 911 CTD recorded temperature and conductivity. Measurements were taken to within an estimated 3 m above the bed. |
Optics (eg underwater light levels) |
number of stations =
Description: Sea-Bird 911 CTD recorded downwelling PAR light levels. Measurements were taken to within an estimated 3 m above the bed |
Transparency (eg transmissometer) |
number of stations =
Description: Sea-Bird 911 CTD recorded transmittance. Measurements were taken to within an estimated 3 m above the bed |
Water bottle stations |
number of stations =
Description: Water samples were taken from a near bed bottle for calibration of the CTD salinity data. |
Chemical oceanography | |
Nitrate |
number of stations =
Description: Water samples were taken from the near surface and near bed bottles and frozen for nutrient analysis by NOC |
Oxygen |
number of stations =
Description: Sea-Bird 911 CTD recorded oxygen (no calibration samples). Measurements were taken to within an estimated 3 m above the bed |
Phosphate |
number of stations =
Description: Water samples were taken from the near surface and near bed bottles and frozen for nutrient analysis by NOC |
Silicate |
number of stations =
Description: Water samples were taken from the near surface and near bed bottles and frozen for nutrient analysis by NOC |
Contamination | |
Suspended matter |
number of stations =
Description: Water samples were taken from the near surface and near bed bottles were filtered to determine suspended sediment load and calibrate the CTD transmissometer. Water samples from the second near surface bottle from stations 1 and 21 were filtered for suspended sediment determination and some filtrate was preserved with mercuric chloride for nutrient determination. |
Biology and fisheries | |
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) |
number of stations =
Description: Sea-Bird 911 CTD recorded fluorescence at 24 Hz. Water samples from the second near surface bottle from stations 1 and 21 were filtered for chlorophyll |
Meteorology | |
Other meteorological measurements |
activity duration in days =
Description: WS Oceans surface sampling system 3 m below sea level. Parameters recorded every minute: Date, Solar Radiation, PAR, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Relative Wind Speed, Relative Wind Direction (zero indicates wind on the bow), Transmissance, Hull Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Fluorescence, Turbidity, Salinity, Minimum Air Temp, Maximum Air Temp, Wind Gust, GPS Time, Latitude, Longitude, Barometric Pressure Minimum, Barometric Pressure Maximum (mbar), Conductivity sensor water temperature. |
Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations
Latitude | Longitude | Data type | Description |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | CTD stations | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted with a surface CTD. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Site A: Waves ADCP 600 kHz RDI 5806. Mode 1: 100 pings every 10 minutes (velocity standard deviation 0.007 m s-1). 35 x 1 m bins (2.65 - 36.65 m above the bed). Fitted with a pressure sensor and 1 Gbyte PCMCIA memory; hourly wave recording enabled. Recovery and deployment |
53° 27' N | 3° 38' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Site B: Telemetry ADCP 1200 kHz RDI 3052. Mode 1: 100 pings every 10 minutes (velocity standard deviation 0.003 m s-1). 30 x 1 m bins (2.15 - 31.15 m above the bed). LinkQuest acoustic modem set for transmission of ADCP data every hour. Deployment |
53° 27' N | 3° 38' W | Current profiler (eg ADCP) | Site B: Waves ADCP 600 kHz RDI 5807. Mode 1: 100 pings every 10 minutes (velocity standard deviation 0.007 m s-1). 35 x 1 m bins (2.65 - 36.65 m above the bed). Fitted with a pressure sensor and 1Gbyte PCMCIA memory; hourly wave recording enabled. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Optics (eg underwater light levels) | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted light sensors at 1 and 2 m below the surface. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Other physical oceanographic measurements | Site A: SmartBuoy Mooring. Sea-Bird MicroCAT temperature and conductivity recorder Serial number 2991 and 2506 at 5m and 10m below the surface. Sample interval 600s. Reference pressure = 25dB. Recovery and deployment |
53° 27' N | 3° 39' W | Other physical oceanographic measurements | Site B: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted with a surface CTD (including turbidity and fluorescence sensors). The frame was fitted with cellulose bags for the determination of bacterial degradation. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Oxygen | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy to test oxygen (Aanderaa Optode) Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted with a fluorometer (SeaPoint) and for chlorophyll determination. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) | Site A: Sea-Bird 16plus S/N 4737 on base of frame with pumped conductivity sensor underneath. SeaPoint turbidity sensor S/N 10489 taped to roll bar; set up for 0 - 125 FTU range. Sample interval 600 s; pump 0.5s, 1 s delay. Recovery and deployment |
53° 27' N | 3° 38' W | Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder) | Site B: Sea-Bird 16plus S/N 4597 on base of frame with pumped conductivity sensor underneath. SeaPoint turbidity sensor taped to roll bar S/N 10471; set up for 0 - 125 FTU range. Sample interval 600 s; digiquartz integration time 40s, range 400; run pump 0.5s, 1 s delay. Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Silicate | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted a water sampler which obtains water samples once per day for laboratory nutrient (TOXN and silicate) Recovery and deployment |
53° 31' N | 3° 21' W | Surface drifters/drifting buoys | Site A: The CEFAS SmartBuoy is fitted with an in situ NAS2E nutrient analyser. The frame was fitted with cellulose bags for the determination of bacterial degradation. Recovery and deployment |
Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise
National Oceanographic Database
# Series | Instrument Description | Parameters |
2 | Acoustic doppler current profiler |
Date and time Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Metadata parameters Sea level Vertical spatial coordinates Vertical velocity of the water column (currents) |
7 | Bottle station |
Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column Quality control flags Reference numbers Silicate concentration parameters in the water column Vertical spatial coordinates |
7 | Bottle station |
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Quality control flags Reference numbers Vertical spatial coordinates |
36 | CTD/STD cast |
Density of the water column Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Raw fluorometer output Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Vertical spatial coordinates Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
2 | Fluorometers |
Date and time Raw fluorometer output Reference numbers |
1 | In-situ dissolved gas analyser |
Date and time Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Reference numbers |
1 | In-situ nutrient analyser |
Date and time Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column Reference numbers |
2 | Moored CTD |
Date and time Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column |
2 | Moored CTD |
Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column |
2 | Moored CTD |
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column Date and time Electrical conductivity of the water column Reference numbers Salinity of the water column Sea level Temperature of the water column |
2 | Nephelometers and optical backscatter sensors |
Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column Date and time Reference numbers |
1 | Surface water sample (unspecified) |
Date and time Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column Reference numbers Silicate concentration parameters in the water column |
1 | radiometers |
Date and time Reference numbers Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
1 | radiometers |
Date and time Light extinction and diffusion coefficients Reference numbers Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)
Full List
BODC Reference | Instrument Description | Date/Time | Location | |
746970 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-02 13:00Z to 2006-12-15 14:30Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
747045 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-15 09:30Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747094 | Fluorometers | 2006-11-02 13:00Z to 2006-12-15 14:30Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
747137 | Fluorometers | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-15 09:30Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747205 | Nephelometers and optical backscatter sensors | 2006-11-02 13:00Z to 2006-12-15 14:30Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
747278 | Nephelometers and optical backscatter sensors | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-15 09:30Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747322 | In-situ dissolved gas analyser | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-15 09:30Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747383 | radiometers | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-04 16:00Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747438 | radiometers | 2006-11-02 08:30Z to 2006-12-15 09:30Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747487 | In-situ nutrient analyser | 2006-11-02 09:08Z to 2006-12-15 09:08Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
747567 | Surface water sample (unspecified) | 2006-11-04 00:00Z to 2006-12-14 01:03Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
752926 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-02 08:20Z to 2006-12-15 09:50Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
752938 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-02 08:20Z to 2006-12-15 09:50Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
753099 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-01 14:40Z to 2006-12-15 08:00Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
753106 | Moored CTD | 2006-11-02 13:50Z to 2006-12-15 13:40Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1012858 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 12:33Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1012871 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 15:28Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 14' W | Click for more |
1012883 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 16:11Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 15' W | Click for more |
1012895 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 16:58Z | 53° 36' N, 3° 13' W | Click for more |
1012902 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 17:39Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 13' W | Click for more |
1012914 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 18:19Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 13' W | Click for more |
1012926 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 19:10Z | 53° 51' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1012938 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 19:45Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1012951 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 20:26Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1012963 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 21:03Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1012975 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 21:36Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 30' W | Click for more |
1012987 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 22:19Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 30' W | Click for more |
1012999 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 23:00Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 30' W | Click for more |
1013002 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-01 23:35Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 39' W | Click for more |
1013014 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 00:11Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 47' W | Click for more |
1013026 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 00:45Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1013038 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 01:19Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1013051 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 01:57Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1013063 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 02:33Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 48' W | Click for more |
1013075 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 03:09Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 47' W | Click for more |
1013087 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 03:49Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1013099 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 04:26Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1013106 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 05:24Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 47' W | Click for more |
1013118 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 06:18Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1013131 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 06:54Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 30' W | Click for more |
1013143 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 08:39Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1013155 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 09:19Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1013167 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 09:55Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 30' W | Click for more |
1013179 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 10:38Z | 53° 22' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1013180 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 11:14Z | 53° 23' N, 3° 47' W | Click for more |
1013192 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 11:45Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 47' W | Click for more |
1013211 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 12:28Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 39' W | Click for more |
1013223 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 13:52Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1013235 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 15:04Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1013247 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 15:40Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1013259 | CTD/STD cast | 2006-11-02 16:17Z | 53° 22' N, 3° 55' W | Click for more |
1314752 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 19:11Z | 53° 51' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1314764 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 19:47Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1314776 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 20:28Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1314788 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 21:05Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1314807 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 08:41Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1314819 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 09:21Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1314820 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 13:54Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1623389 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2006-11-02 13:50Z to 2006-12-15 13:49Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
1623390 | Acoustic doppler current profiler | 2006-11-01 14:40Z to 2006-12-15 08:09Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1666482 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 19:11Z | 53° 51' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1666494 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 19:47Z | 53° 46' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1666501 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 20:28Z | 53° 42' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1666513 | Bottle station | 2006-11-01 21:05Z | 53° 37' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1666525 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 08:41Z | 53° 31' N, 3° 21' W | Click for more |
1666537 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 09:21Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 22' W | Click for more |
1666549 | Bottle station | 2006-11-02 13:54Z | 53° 27' N, 3° 38' W | Click for more |
Project Database
# Events | Gear Type | Parameters Held |
4 | Instrument mooring | |
36 | CTD frame plus rosette sampler |
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column Silicate concentration parameters in the water column Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column Raw light meter output Density of the water column Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column Raw fluorometer output Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies |
Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)