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Honiara (Solomon Islands) Site History


Station Honiara, Guadalcanal
Country Solomon Islands
Latitude 09° 25.5' S
Longitude 159° 57.4' E
GLOSS No 066
Time Reference GMT (hours 00-23)
UH Sea Level Center
(1995 - present)
The National Tidal Facility (NTF)
Flinders University of South Australia
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide, 5001,
South Australia.
Instrument Type 1. (1974-present) Leupold and Stevens Analog-to-Digital Recorder (ADR)
2. (11/1984-present) Handar Encoder (ENC)
3. NTF: Aquatrak acoustic gauge (SEAFRAME)
Primary Gauge ADR:1974-90
ENC 1991-94
SEAFRAME 4/Jan/1995 onward
Site of Gauge  
Observational periods 1974 - 2001

Reference Level

All heights have been referred to the station tide staff zero which is linked to fixed bench marks.

Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Description

Benchmark Description
MBM 001 This consists of a brass hexagonal bolt surmounted by a copper plate inscribed 'MBM 001 1981', set in concrete, at the north east corner of the fuel compound of the Marine Division Building.
MBM 003 This consists of a brass hexagonal bolt surmounted by a copper plate inscribed 'MBM 003 1981', set in concrete, at the north west corner of the Watchkeeper's Hut (Hut reported to of been removed in 1990).
MBM 004 This consists of a stainless hexagonal bolt set in squared concrete platform, situated at the west side of the Marine Divison flagpole.

Datum Levels

Datum of data is tide gauge zero.

Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ) 2.168m below TGBM
TGZ 0.294m below Chart Datum

Quality Assessment by the UH Sea Level Centre


The daily and monthly means reveal no apparent changes in the reference level and agree with Funafuti.

Year CI(%) Missing Data Replaced Gaps or Bad Data Questionable Fluctuations
1975 92 33-52,167-174 none none
1976 99 265-267 none none
1977 100 none none none
1978 99 88-89,177-178 none none
1979 74 139-140,146-147,151-152,162-163,168-256 (13)144-(05)145 (15)148-(05)149 none
1980 100 none none none
1981 97 2-4,126-127,182-186 none none
1982 100 none none none
1983 99 345-347 none 210-211
1984 100 none none none
1985 99 215-218 none none
1986 100 none none none
1987 100 none none none
1988 100 none none none
1989 100 none none none
1990 100 none none none
1991 100 none none none
1992 100 none none 211-216,240-247
1993 100 none none none
1994 98 91-94,151-152,177-180 (00)122-(23)122 none
1995 100 none none none
1996 100 none none none
1997 81 181-250 none none
1998 95 207-209,210-214,250-252,272-280,362-363 none none
1999 99 159-160,180-181 none none
2000 100 none none none
2001 99 189-193 none none