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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1636173

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Meteorology -meteorological data buoy
Instrument Type
Vaisala PTB100 analogue barometer series  meteorological packages
Gill Instruments WindObserver II anemometer  anemometers
Omega ON-950 44005 thermistor  water temperature sensor
Instrument Mounting moored surface buoy
Originating Country France
Originator Dr Valerie Quiniou-Ramus
Originating Organization Total S.A.
Processing Status QC in progress
Online delivery of data Download not available
Project(s) SIMORC

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier 2424MAR112_V2_C_122006
BODC Series Reference 1636173

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2006-11-30 16:00
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2006-12-31 15:59
Nominal Cycle Interval 60.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 14.44308 S ( 14° 26.6' S )
Longitude 124.97450 E ( 124° 58.5' E )
Positional Uncertainty 0.01 to 0.05 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 0.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 0.0 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 13.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 13.0 m
Sea Floor Depth 13.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source DATAHEAD
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Fixed common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth which is effectively fixed for the duration of the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Sea floor reference - Depth measured as a height above sea floor but converted into a depth relative to the sea surface according to the same datum as used for sea floor depth (applicable to instrument depths not bathymetric depths)
Sea Floor Depth Datum Instantaneous - Depth measured below water line or instantaneous water body surface


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
CAPHTU011MillibarsPressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphere by barometer and expressed at measurement altitude
CDTASS011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer
EGTSSS011Metres per secondSpeed of wind (gust) {wind speed} in the atmosphere by in-situ anemometer
EWDASS011Degrees TrueDirection (from) of wind relative to True North {wind direction} in the atmosphere by in-situ anemometer
EWSBSS011Metres per secondSpeed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere by in-situ anemometer
TEMPST011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body by CTD or STD

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

SIMORC data access conditions

The data collated and held at BODC on behalf of the SIMORC project are restricted. However, the data will be available to download from the Official SIMORC Website, as part of the project protocol. The data set will initially include data from the oil companies TOTAL, Shell and BP.

Narrative Documents

Vaisala Analog Barometers Models PTB100 (A), (B) and PTB101 (B), (C)

The PTB 100 series analog barometers are designed both for accurate barometric measurements at room temperature and for general environmental pressure monitoring over a wide temperature range. The long-term stability of the barometer minimizes the need for field adjustment in many applications.

Physical Specifications

Size 97 x 60 x 22 mm
Weight 85g

The barometers use the BAROCAP* silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor developed by Vaisala for barometric pressure measurements. The BAROCAP* sensor combines the elasticity characteristics and mechanical stability of a single-crystal silicon with the proven capacitive detection principle.

Sensor Specifications

Model Number Pressure Range
Temperature Range
Humidity Range Total Accuracy
PTB100A 800 to 1060 -40 to +60 non-condensing +20 °C ± 0.3 mbar
0 to +40 °C ± 1.0 mbar
-20 to +45 °C ± 1.5 mbar
-40 to +60 °C ± 2.5 mbar
PTB100B 600 to 1060 -40 to +60 non-condensing +20 °C ± 0.5 mbar
0 to +40 °C ± 1.5 mbar
-20 to +45 °C ± 2.0 mbar
-40 to +60 °C ± 3.0 mbar
PTB101B 600 to 1060 -40 to +60 non-condensing +20 °C ± 0.5 mbar
0 to +40 °C ± 1.5 mbar
-20 to +45 °C ± 2.0 mbar
-40 to +60 °C ± 3.0 mbar
PTB101C 900 to 1100 -40 to +60 non-condensing +20 °C ± 0.3 mbar
0 to +40 °C ± 1.0 mbar
-20 to +45 °C ± 1.5 mbar
-40 to +60 °C ± 2.5 mbar

* BAROCAP is a registered trademark of Vaisala

Gill WindObserver II

The WindObserver II is a solid state ultrasonic anemometer, with a stainless steel housing suitable for marine and offshore applications. It measures wind speed and direction over ranges of 0-65 ms-1 and 0-359° respectively. The optional de-icing system is recommended for high altitude and aviation applications.


  Wind speed Wind direction Sonic temperature
Range 0-65 ms-1 (0-145 mph) 0-359° -40°C to 70°C
Accuracy ±2% at 12 ms-1 ±2° at 12 ms-1 -
Output rate 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 5 Hz, 8 Hz, or 10 Hz
Parameters UV, Polar, NMEA, Tunnel
Units ms-1, knots, mph, kph, ft min-1
Averaging Flexible, 1-3600 s

For more information, see the instrument datasheet.

BODC Processing

Data were received by BODC in Excel spreadsheets. These were stabilised into text files and then reformatted to QXF format using BODC transfer function 518. The following table shows how the variables within the files were mapped to the appropriate BODC parameter codes:

Original parameter name Original Units Description BODC Parameter Code BODC Units Comments
Date/time (Western Standard Time) DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss Date and time AADYAA01 + AAFDZZ01 Day number and day fraction (GMT) Conversion by transfer
Airtemp deg Celsius Air temperature CDTASS01 deg Celsius  
Temp deg Celsius Sea temperature TEMPST01 deg Celsius  
BP millibars Atmospheric pressure CAPASS01 millibars  
RH % Relative humidity CRELZZ01 %  
Windspd m/sec Wind speed EWSBSS01 m/sec  
Winddir degrees True Wind direction EWDASS01 degrees True  
Windspd 2 m/sec Wind speed 2 EWSBSS02 m/sec  
Winddir 2 degrees True Wind direction 2 EWDASS02 degrees True  
Gust speed m/sec Gust speed EGTSSS01 m/sec  
Sigma m/sec Wind velocity standard deviation EWSCSS01 m/sec  
BatteryVoltage V Battery voltage VOLTBATT V  
BuoyDirn degrees True Heading of the meteorological buoy HEADCM01 degrees True  

Following transfer to QXF, the data were screened using BODC's in-house visualisation software, EDSERPLO.

Project Information

System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC)

The EU-funded SIMORC project is a collaborative effort between MARIS (Netherlands), BODC (UK), the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) and IOC-IODE to provide a harmonised and quality controlled metocean data set from data collected by oil and gas producers, accessible through the SIMORC protocol.

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2006-07-25
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2007-09-03
Organization Undertaking ActivityTotal S.A.
Country of OrganizationFrance
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierMaret Island MET
Platform Categorymoored surface buoy

SIMORC Total Maret Island Met buoy mooring.

The survey at this site was made up of a single mooring.

This mooring was deployed in a water depth (defined as the Lowest Astronomical Tide) of 30 metres. (Nominal position of 14.45938°S, 124.99646°E):

Meter No. Instrument Height Above Seabed Instrument Type Time Period (Western Standard Time = UTC+8) Comments
  10m Above Mean Sea Level Met buoy 26-JUL-2006 16:35 to 3-SEP-2007 04:10 Wind and met parameters.

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name 2006
Departure Date 2006-07-24
Arrival Date 2006-08-03
Principal Scientist(s)Unknown (Unknown)
Ship MV Bhagwan K

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

Fixed Station Information

Station NameIchthys-Maret pipeline
CategoryOffshore route/traverse

TOTAL, Australia Ichthys field to Maret Island (principal pipeline route)

Map of pipeline route

BODC image

ADCPs, current meters, CTDs, met buoys, directional wave recorders and water level recorders were deployed at this site as part of a survey along a proposed pipeline route. This survey was conducted in 2006 and 2007 and formed part of the development of the Ichthys field, situated northwest of Broome on the Kimberley coast of Western Australia.

Related Fixed Station activities are detailed in Appendix 2

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: Maret Island MET

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1636081Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 00:35:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636204Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 01:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635919Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 08:35:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635920Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636100Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636216Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635932Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636124Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636228Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635944Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636148Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636241Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635956Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636161Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636253Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635968Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-11-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636265Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-11-30 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636007Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-06 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2006
1636019Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 ENot applicable
1635981Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 20:52:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 ENot applicable
1636185Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 20:52:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 ENot applicable
1635993Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636020Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636197Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636032Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-02-28 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636044Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-03-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636056Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-04-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636068Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-05-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636093Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-06-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636112Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636136Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007

Appendix 2: Ichthys-Maret pipeline

Related series for this Fixed Station are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1636081Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 00:35:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636204Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 01:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635919Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-26 08:35:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635121Waves (statistics)2006-07-27 00:16:0014.45273 S, 124.9862 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633870Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-27 08:30:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633267Hydrography time series at depth2006-07-27 08:30:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635108Waves (statistics)2006-07-27 09:52:0614.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633913Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 03:45:0014.42205 S, 124.9749 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635169Waves (statistics)2006-07-31 04:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633869Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 05:00:0014.41708 S, 124.9587 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633949Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 05:00:0014.42917 S, 124.9505 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633901Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 06:17:0014.39367 S, 124.881 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633894Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 08:19:0014.29095 S, 124.5437 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633882Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-07-31 10:00:0014.20113 S, 124.2499 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635920Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636100Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636216Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-07-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635170Waves (statistics)2006-07-31 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635182Waves (statistics)2006-08-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635932Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636124Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636228Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-08-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635194Waves (statistics)2006-08-31 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635201Waves (statistics)2006-09-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635944Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636148Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636241Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-09-30 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635213Waves (statistics)2006-09-30 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635225Waves (statistics)2006-10-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635956Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636161Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636253Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-10-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635237Waves (statistics)2006-10-31 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635249Waves (statistics)2006-11-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635968Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-11-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1636265Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-11-30 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1635250Waves (statistics)2006-11-30 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EMV Bhagwan K 2006
1633925Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-12-05 07:55:0014.43277 S, 124.9627 EAdrenalin Sprint 2006
1633937Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-12-05 08:35:0014.42938 S, 124.9507 EAdrenalin Sprint 2006
1633950Currents -subsurface Eulerian2006-12-05 08:37:0014.41708 S, 124.9587 EAdrenalin Sprint 2006
1636007Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-06 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2006
1635262Waves (statistics)2006-12-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 ENot applicable
1636019Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 ENot applicable
1635133Waves (statistics)2006-12-31 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 ENot applicable
1635981Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 20:52:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 ENot applicable
1636185Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2006-12-31 20:52:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 ENot applicable
1635145Waves (statistics)2007-01-15 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 ENot applicable
1635993Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636020Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636197Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-01-31 16:00:0014.45938 S, 124.99646 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1635157Waves (statistics)2007-01-31 17:00:0014.41903 S, 124.95886 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639828CTD or STD cast2007-02-02 10:30:0013.8622 S, 123.2138 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639816CTD or STD cast2007-02-03 10:30:0014.2011 S, 124.2499 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1635298Waves (statistics)2007-02-05 16:44:0014.45267 S, 124.9861 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1633974Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-02-06 09:30:0014.45227 S, 124.9856 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1633280Hydrography time series at depth2007-02-06 09:30:0014.45227 S, 124.9856 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1635286Waves (statistics)2007-02-06 11:41:2214.45227 S, 124.9856 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639773CTD or STD cast2007-02-07 03:02:0014.4328 S, 124.9627 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1633962Currents -subsurface Eulerian2007-02-07 03:40:0014.43427 S, 124.9696 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1633279Hydrography time series at depth2007-02-07 03:40:0014.43427 S, 124.9696 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1635274Waves (statistics)2007-02-07 04:45:2214.43427 S, 124.9696 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639785CTD or STD cast2007-02-07 06:15:0014.4294 S, 124.9507 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639797CTD or STD cast2007-02-07 08:24:0014.3937 S, 124.881 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639804CTD or STD cast2007-02-07 10:15:0014.291 S, 124.5437 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636032Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-02-28 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636044Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-03-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636056Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-04-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636068Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-05-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636093Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-06-30 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636112Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-07-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1636136Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2007-08-31 16:00:0014.44308 S, 124.9745 EAdrenalin Sprint 2007
1639841CTD or STD cast2007-09-04 05:30:0014.4526 S, 124.9863 ENot applicable
1636382Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2008-11-05 18:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635305Waves (statistics)2008-11-05 19:11:0013.87858 S, 123.23603 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635317Waves (statistics)2008-11-05 19:11:0013.87858 S, 123.23603 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635329Waves (statistics)2008-11-05 19:11:0013.87858 S, 123.23603 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634130Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:30:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634142Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:30:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634154Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:30:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634166Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:30:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634178Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:50:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634191Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:50:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634209Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:50:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634210Currents -subsurface Eulerian2008-11-06 06:50:0013.87478 S, 123.2297 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636401Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2008-11-30 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636277Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2008-12-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636289Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-01-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636290Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-02-28 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636308Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-03-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636321Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-04-30 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634222Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:00:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634234Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:00:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634246Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:00:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634258Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:05:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634283Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:07:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634295Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:07:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634271Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:09:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1634302Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-05-21 06:12:0013.87488 S, 123.2296 EAtlas 2000 2009
1635330Waves (statistics)2009-05-21 07:42:0013.8786 S, 123.236 EAtlas 2000 2009
1635342Waves (statistics)2009-05-21 07:42:0013.8786 S, 123.236 EAtlas 2000 2009
1635354Waves (statistics)2009-05-21 07:42:0013.8786 S, 123.236 EAtlas 2000 2009
1636333Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-05-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EAtlas 2000 2009
1636345Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-06-30 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636357Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-07-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636369Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-08-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636370Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-09-30 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636394Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2009-10-31 16:00:0013.8701 S, 123.234 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634314Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:00:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634326Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:00:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634351Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:05:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634338Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:06:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634363Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:06:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634375Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:06:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634387Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:27:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634399Currents -subsurface Eulerian2009-11-15 02:27:0013.87483 S, 123.2296 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634406Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634418Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634431Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634443Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634455Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634467Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634479Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1634480Currents -subsurface Eulerian2010-05-27 02:30:0013.87473 S, 123.2298 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636413Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-05-28 00:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635366Waves (statistics)2010-05-28 04:31:0013.87845 S, 123.23618 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635378Waves (statistics)2010-05-28 04:31:0013.87845 S, 123.23618 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1635391Waves (statistics)2010-05-28 04:31:0013.87845 S, 123.23618 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636425Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-05-31 16:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636437Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-06-30 16:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636449Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-07-31 16:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636450Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-08-31 16:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1636462Meteorology -meteorological data buoy2010-09-30 16:00:0013.87008 S, 123.23413 EMV Bhagwan K 2008
1633986Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1633998Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634001Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634013Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634025Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634037Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.27743 ENot applicable
1634049Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634050Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-20 08:00:0013.939 S, 123.2774 ENot applicable
1634062Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634074Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634086Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634098Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634105Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634117Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable
1634129Currents -subsurface Eulerian2011-03-30 00:25:0014.03243 S, 123.2275 ENot applicable