
RV Dana 04A/2014

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Dana (26D4)
Cruise identifier04A/2014
Cruise period2014-03-15 — 2014-04-24
Port of departureSt. George's, Bermuda
Port of returnPonta Delgada, Portugal
ObjectivesThe stock of European eel is in dramatic decline and there is much need for understanding the oceanic part of this species' lifecycle. Intensive research in the spawning areas of the eel in the Sargasso Sea area is planned for the spring of 2014, carrying out a 2 month cruise to the area and mid-Atlantic with the r/v Dana.The research focuses on spawning sites in relation to hydrography, the extent of larval distribution and larval drift towards the European continent. The cruise is funded by the Danish Centre for Marine Research and the Danish Carlsberg Foundation.
Chief scientistPeter Munk (Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources)
NPRCRV Dana 04A/2014 NPRC dana_04a_2014.pdf (0.41 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Caribbean Sea
SpecificSargasso Sea and Mid-Atlantic. Northern Caribbean.