
RV Endeavor SABOR

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Endeavor (32EV)
Cruise identifierSABOR
Cruise period2014-07-18 — 2014-08-06
Port of departureUnknown, United States
Port of returnUnknown, United States
ObjectivesThe main objective of this program, centered on this research cruise, is to evaluate polarisation measurements of the light in the ocean, combining multiple approaches and techniques. Each of the groups in this alliance is bringing a different set of tools to the table ensuring that the final goals of this effort are achieved:
1. Use of remote sensed polarisation in retrieval of in-situ optical properties
2. Use of in-situ measured polarisation in retrieval of oceanic inherent optical properties
3) Use of polarization in retrieval of climate important biogeochemical parameters (carbon pools, productivity estimates)
4) Use of LIDAR in retrieval of important biogeochemical parameters

During this cruise numerous measurements will be collected that will facilitate cross validation of different approaches, and allow for development of next generation algorithms.
Chief scientistIvana Cetinić (University of Maine School of Marine Sciences)
NPRCRV Endeavor SABOR NPRC endeavor_f2014-015.pdf (0.05 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Track chartsRV Endeavor SABOR cruise track — endeavor_f2014-015trk.pdf (0.14 MB)