
Nimrod II 1/98

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship nameNimrod II
Cruise identifier1/98
Cruise period1998-12-03 — 1998-12-15
Port of departureNorth Shields, United Kingdom
Port of returnNorth Shields, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To conduct a twelve fishing days trawl survey of the NE coast Nephrops grounds using a 70mm mesh commercial Nephrops trawl with a 20mm mesh liner, in the area 55" 30' N - 54" 40' N and 1" 30' W - 0' 40' W.
2. To collect information on Nephrops lenmweight and ovary condition.
Chief scientistClive G Brown (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise reportNimrod II 1/98 cruise report nimrod_ii1_98.pdf (0.05 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorth Sea, NE coast
Biology and fisheries 
CrustaceansQuantity: number of stations = 45
Description: 30 minute trawls using a 70mm mesh commercial Nephrops trawl for size, abundance and ovary condition studies.