
FRV Scotia 1099S

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier1099S
Cruise period1999-06-07 — 1999-06-25
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
ObjectivesRoutine survey in a series monitoring Nephrops burrow abundance using TV.
1. Estimate distribution and abundance of Nephrops in stocks around Scotland using Underwater TV technology.
2. Collect sediment samples at each station.
3. To take trawl samples to estimate size structure and sex ratio. Sampling commenced in Fladden ground (North Sea) and then moved to Firth of Clyde (W. coast Scotland), South minch, North minch and Noup. Improved weather conditions enabled more northerly stations of Fladen ground to be completed on return journey to Aberdeen. A total of 201 sledge runs and 13 trawl tows were made during the cruise.
Chief scientistNick Bailey (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Scotia 1099S cruise report sc10_99.pdf (0.20 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificFladen Ground, Noup (NW of Orkney), Minches and Firth of Clyde
Track chartsFRV Scotia 1099S cruise track — sc10_99track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of deployments = 201
Description: 10 minute TV sledge runs made at stations in waters around Scotland as follows: Fladen 62 , Clyde 42, S.Minch 40, N.Minch 39, Noup 10, Moray Firth 8.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 13
Description: Trawl tows, 30 minute trawl samples using 50mm prawn trawl (Scotnet) at stations as follows: Fladen 4, Clyde 3, S.Minch 3, N.Minch 3.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of deployments = 201
Description: 10 minute TV sledge runs made at stations in waters around Scotland as follows: Fladen 62 , Clyde 42, S.Minch 40, N.Minch 39, Noup 10, Moray Firth 8.
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of deployments = 201
Description: 10 minute TV sledge runs made at stations in waters around Scotland as follows: Fladen 62 , Clyde 42, S.Minch 40, N.Minch 39, Noup 10, Moray Firth 8.
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of samples = 201
Description: Grab samples, single drops for sediment sample taken at stations as above
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: number of samples = 201
Description: Grab samples, single drops for sediment sample taken at stations as above