
RV Lough Foyle LF/16/90

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/16/90
Cruise period1990-10-30 — 1990-11-08
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesIrish Sea VIIA juvenile gadoid survey
All trawling operations to be carried out during daylight hours.
1. To record the distribution of juvenile Gadoids and other species at the 29 Irish Sea sampling stations successfully trawled in June 1990.
2. To identify and trawl four replacement stations for those found to be unsuitable in the June survey.
3. To identify and trawl additional juventile Gadoid trawl stations, with depth and substrata combinations not previously sampled, in any cruise time remaining after the achievement of objective 1 and 2.
4. To collect sufficient otoliths from the juvenile gadoids taken in the catches, to produce an age/length key for the juveniles of each species.
5. To collect otoliths form adult Hake Merluccius merluccius L., for winter growth zone staining experiments.
Chief scientistWilliam J McCurdy (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/16/90 cruise report lf16_90.pdf (0.08 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea and North Channel
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/16/90 cruise track — lf16_90track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fishQuantity: number of stations = 29
Description: Young fish survey.