
RRS Charles Darwin CD172

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Charles Darwin (74AB)
Cruise identifierCD172
Cruise period2005-06-19 — 2005-07-09
Port of departureLisbon, Portugal
Port of returnFalmouth, United Kingdom
ObjectivesThe objective of the cruise was to improve our understanding of biochemical processes in the near-surface and microlayer of the ocean. We examine gradients in major nutrient concentrations and cycling, production and consumption of key biogases and variability in biological communities between micro-layer, near -surface and deeper water, and between productive and oligotrophic waters along a transect from offshore oligotrophic to coastal upwelling waters off western Spain and Portugal. We also aimed to examine the influence of gradients in physical, biological and photochemical processes at or near the surface micro-layer on the transport of heat and bio-gases across the air-sea interface. Using near-real time satellite imagery of ocean colour in combination with continuous underway measurements of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence we identified a suitable oligotrophic site ~25nm off the coast just north of the spain/Portugal border, and reached it on 21 st June and commenced scientific work. We then worked our way inshore via 4 more stations to an upwelling site where science work was concluded on 6th July. The vessel then returned to Falmouth, arriving on 9th July.
Chief scientistChris Gallienne (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
ProjectPML Core Science Programme
Coordinating bodyPML Directorate and Science Management Team
Cruise reportRRS Charles Darwin CD172 cruise report cd172.pdf (9.12 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralBay of Biscay
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificIberian Upwelling off the Spanish/Portugese Coast.
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Surface underway T, S,c hlorophyll fluorescence from ships systems.
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 38
Description: CTD casts on daily basis (2-5 per day).
Transparency (eg transmissometer)Quantity: number of profiles = 38
Description: Transmissometer profiles on each CTD cast
Optics (eg underwater light levels)Quantity: number of profiles = 69
Description: Optical profiles of Irradiance, Reflectance, etc., (3-6 times daily)
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: activity duration in days = 20
Description: Continuous measurements from ships hull-mounted ADCP
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 45
Description: Self-contained autonomous micro-profiler (SCAMP) physical microstructure profiler
Chemical oceanography 
OxygenQuantity: number of profiles = 38
Description: Dissolved Oxygen profiles from CTD cast
Other dissolved gasesQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Other dissolved gasesQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Other dissolved gasesQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Total - PQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Total - PQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Total - PQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitrateQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitrateQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitrateQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitriteQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitriteQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
NitriteQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
AmmoniaQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
AmmoniaQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
AmmoniaQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
SilicateQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
SilicateQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
SilicateQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Biology and fisheries 
Primary productivityQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Primary productivityQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Primary productivityQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC)Quantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC)Quantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC)Quantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
PhytoplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of samples = 8
Description: Microlayer Sampling Device (MLSD) 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of samples = 10
Description: Near-surface Sampling Device(NSSD) 8x4 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organismsQuantity: number of samples = 11
Description: Garret Screen (GS) microlayer samples 1 x 2.7 litre samples for HPLC, Nutrients, Bacterial Productivity, Flow Cytometry, Pigments & Photoprotective compounds, Biogenic Gases & Microzooplankton microscopic Analysis
Data held at BODC 
Discrete samples 
38  CTD frame plus rosette samplerTransmittance and attenuance of the water column
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column
Density of the water column
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
24  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply