
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Wageningen Marine Research, Texel

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Host Data set name Show
nlIMARES, Abundance of krill in Antarctica (1988 - )Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Densities of toppredators marine mammals and birds in Antarctica (1988 - ) Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Monitoring Breeding Success Coastal Bird (2005 - ) Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Monitoring Seals in the Dutch Wadden Sea (1970 -) Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Monitoring sedimentation and vegetation on saltmarshes in the Dutch Wadden Sea (1993 - ) Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Monitoring the development of Mussel beds in the Dutch Wadden Sea (1990 - ) Click to show data set information
nlIMARES, Monitoring vegetation of saltmarshes in the Dutch Wadden Sea (1960 -) Click to show data set information

| New query | Found  7 | Show  (1-7) |