
RV Clione CLI4/75

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Clione (74CN)
Cruise identifierCLI4/75
Cruise period1975-03-18 — 1975-03-25
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To collect endocrine material for the preparation of homone assays,
2. To collect fish blood for hormone analysis.
3. To collect live flat fish for:
a The hatchery programne;
b Sector Scanner tracking studies.
4. To collect live sand eels for behaviour studies.
5. To collect live plaice ,eggs for the hatchery programme.
6. To collect plaice muscle samples for electrophoretic stock separation.
Chief scientistVictor J Bye (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Clione CLI4/75 cruise report clione4_75.pdf (0.09 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
North Sea
Track chartsRV Clione CLI4/75 cruise track — trk1570.html
Biology and fisheries 
Other biological/fisheries measurementDescription: Pituitary and hypothalamus from live fish