
RV Belgica 2013-10

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Belgica (11BE)
Cruise identifier2013-10
Cruise period2013-04-08 — 2013-04-12
Port of departureZeebrugge, Belgium
Port of returnZeebrugge, Belgium

Separate the two most important commercial flatfish species, sole and plaice, during the catching process and guide them to the appropriate cod‐end, small mesh for sole, large mesh for plaice.
Develop methodology to determine the behaviour of seabirds on fishery discards.
Collecting live fish.
Testing acoustic device (Netmind) to determine net parameters.
Chief scientistJochen Depestele (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Ostend)
Cruise reportRV Belgica 2013-10 cruise report belgica_2013-10.pdf (0.19 MB) 
NPRCRV Belgica 2013-10 NPRC belgica_2013-10.pdf (0.17 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificSouthwestern North Sea
Track chartsRV Belgica 2013-10 cruise track — belgica_2013-10trk.pdf (0.02 MB)