
Celtic Explorer CE13001

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Celtic Explorer (45CE)
Cruise identifierCE13001
Cruise period2013-01-05 — 2013-01-11
Port of departureGalway, Ireland
Port of returnGalway, Ireland
ObjectivesThe plan for OSMOSIS is to deploy ocean gliders in pairs for a period of a full year. Each glider deployment will last for four months. Careful monitoring and planning will be required to maintain sufficient battery power throughout the four months. Initial estimates seem to show that the 10V science battery will most likely be the limiting factor. Cruise CE13001 was on board the R/V Celtic Explorer. The plan was to depart from Galway, Ireland on 5th January 2013 and steam to the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) monitoring station, collecting a Meteorological buoy, which had become detached from it's mooring, before arriving at the PAP site to recover Seagliders SG533 and SG566, deploy two gliders from SG510, SG502 and SG579 and take measurements for dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll a and Nutrients to calibrate the sensors on the Seagliders.
Chief scientistGlenn Nolan (Marine Institute Galway)
ProjectFluxes Across Sloping Topography of the North East Atlantic (FASTNEt)
Cruise reportCeltic Explorer CE13001 cruise report celticexplorer_ce13001.pdf (0.24 MB) 
NPRCCeltic Explorer CE13001 NPRC celticexplorer_ce13001.pdf (0.10 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralCeltic Sea
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificSouth, southwest, west and northwest of Ireland. Continental Shelf, Rockall Bank, Porcupine Bank.