
FFS Solea 659

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FFS Solea (06SL)
Cruise identifier659
Cruise period2012-07-26 — 2012-08-12
Port of departureCuxhaven, Germany
Port of returnCuxhaven, Germany
ObjectivesA. German Small-scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS) to monitor the fish fauna
B. Physical oceanography
C. Chemical oceanography
D. Monitoring of zooplankton
Chief scientistWolfgang Nikolaus Probst (Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg)
ProjectGSBTS (German Small-scale Bottom Trawl Survey)
Cruise reportFFS Solea 659 cruise report solea_659.pdf (0.21 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificCentral and Southern North Sea
Track chartsFFS Solea 659 cruise track — solea_659trk.pdf (0.04 MB)