
Salling Sandeel2013

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Salling (26SB)
Cruise identifierSandeel2013
Cruise period2013-11-22 — 2013-12-09
Port of departureEsbjerg Havn, Denmark
Port of returnEsbjerg Havn, Denmark

To collect samples of sandeels buried in the seabed and compare catches (number and age composition) with the previous year's collections to assess the 2013 year class strength of sandeel in the different areas adopted by ICES in 2009. Data from the dredge survey is the basis for calculating a 0-group index, which will be used in the stock assessment. In addition, to try to validate/quality ensure each haul using bottom contact sensors mounted on the gear (dredges).
Chief scientistDirk Thijssen (Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources)
Cruise reportSalling Sandeel2013 cruise report salling_sandeel2013.pdf (0.66 MB) 
NPRCSalling Sandeel2013 NPRC salling_sandeel2013.pdf (0.12 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorth Sea between UK and Denmark
Track chartsSalling Sandeel2013 cruise track — salling_sandeel2013trk.pdf (0.77 MB)