
RV Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1408

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Nathaniel B. Palmer (3206)
Cruise identifierNBP1408
Cruise period2014-09-22 — 2014-10-22
Port of departurePunta Arenas, Chile
Port of returnPunta Arenas, Chile
ObjectivesUnderway geophysics and dredging to determine nature and history of the foor of the central Scotia Sea and its influence on the onset and development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Cuncurently on this cruise the NBP will be running its continious underway systems which fall under Dr. Eric Firing and Dr. Colm Sweeney whom are in the process of collecting a long term data set of ocean currents and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and upper ocean. This work will provide a coordinated time series of Oceanographic and Meteorological measurements with a view to clarifying and describing the role of the Southern Ocean to the global climate system. The projects include: O-315-N; The ADCP studies will monitor upper ocean currents by measuring the Doppler shift of acoustical backscatter. O-214-N; The Carbon Dioxide studies (Taro Takahashi, Timothy Newberger, Colm Sweeney) will document and monitor the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and upper ocean. The meteorological data will allow correlation of atmospheric and oceanographic parameters. Gravity, light, and position are all part of the underway shipboard systems. Underway seawater data measuring seawater temperature, salinity, fluorescence and transmissivity provide additional context.
Chief scientistIan W D Dalziel (Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin)
NPRCRV Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1408 NPRC nathanielbpalmer1408.pdf (0.11 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralSouth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 20W)
SpecificScotia Sea
Track chartsRV Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1408 cruise track — nathanielbpalmer1408trk.pdf (0.27 MB)