
RV Dana 04B/2014

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Dana (26D4)
Cruise identifier04B/2014
Cruise period2014-04-24 — 2014-05-05
Port of departurePonta Delgada, Portugal
Port of returnHirtshals Havn, Denmark
ObjectivesThe primary purpose of the cruise is an on-board Ph.D. course on sedimentary biology, geochemistry and geology. The cruise will be structured like a research expedition with coordinated sediment sampling by gravity-corer, box-corer and CTD. Additional samples of marine plankton will be used in investigations of the dispersal of the larvae of the Atlantic Eel.
Chief scientistHans Roey (Røy) (University of Aarhus Bioscience Institute)
NPRCRV Dana 04B/2014 NPRC dana_04b_2014.pdf (0.10 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
Celtic Sea
Bay of Biscay
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)