
NLV Pole Star 0113PS

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)NLV Pole Star (740B)
Cruise identifier0113PS
Cruise period2013-11-24 — 2013-12-04
Port of departureOban, United Kingdom
Port of returnPeterhead, United Kingdom

1. To locate and recover where possible surface and subsurface moorings with attached recording devices laid during the summer of 2013 as part of the east coast marine mammal monitoring programme.
2. To locate and retrieve a mooring in the Sound of Canna.
3. To locate and retrieve an ADCP and frame from a position to the west of Orkney (TBC).


NLV Pole Star will sail from Oban on 24 November and make for Peterhead Harbour where all staff will join the vessel and where the grapple and ROV hardware will be loaded. It is estimated that the vessel will arrive at Peterhead around midday on 25 November. Pole Star will then sail for the Fraserburgh mooring sites, recover equipment from these three positions and then continue down the east coast until all the mooring sites have been visited and all possible hardware recovered. MSS, MFM and NLB staff will decide on the order of mooring recovery and on the time spent attempting to locate missing or unresponsive moorings on a daily basis. On completion of Objective 1, Pole Star will return to Peterhead Harbour and offload all ROV equipment and MFM staff.

If time and weather permit, the vessel may then make for a position in the Bay of Skaill (TBC), to the west of Orkney Mainland, and attempt to recover an ADCP and frame (Objective 3). A decision on whether this task is undertaken will be made as the vessel makes her way north. Further to this, a final mooring will be recovered from the vicinity of the Sound of Canna (Objective 2). Positions for both of these moorings will be provided during the survey.

NLV Pole Star will return to Oban and offload MSS equipment and staff on 04 December.
Chief scientistRobert Watret (Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise programmeNLV Pole Star 0113PS cruise programme 0113ps.pdf  (0.08 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificSound of Canna. Orkney.
Track chartsNLV Pole Star 0113PS cruise track — 0113pstrk.pdf (0.05 MB)