
RV Cefas Endeavour 15/14

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cefas Endeavour (74E9)
Cruise identifier15/14
Cruise period2014-07-17 — 2014-07-31
Port of departurePortland Harbour, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom

1. To undertake a beam trawl survey in the southern North Sea and eastern Channel as part of an ICES co-ordinated research programme.
2. To obtain fisheries independent data on the distribution and abundance of commercial flatfish species.
3. To collect biological data, including maturity and weight at age, of commercial species, to satisfy the requirements of the EU data regulations.
4. To identify the epibenthos by-catch taken in the 4m beam trawl and to quantify 12 species as agreed at the Beam Trawl Working Group.
5. The undertake additional trawling on coastal grounds (15-40 m water depth) between Selsey and Lulworth to provide further information on the distribution of undulate ray.
6. To sample litter caught in the beam trawl on every station
7. To collect berried crabs and lobsters for brood stock
8. To collect live crabs and starfish for Yarmouth Sea Life centre.
9. To collect one water sample per day for nutrient analysis for Naomi Greenwood.
10. To collect FSA fish samples
11. To collect fin clips from bass, red mullet and pollock for DNA analysis.
12. To collect biological information on smooth hounds.
13. To tag and release smooth hounds and rays.
14. To collect length/weight information on selected species.
15. To collect and filter a water sample in the vicinity of the West Gabbard SMART buoy for Elisa Capuzzo.
16. To collect fish ID specimens for Cefas Day.
17. To test applications on the SIC desk computers to ensure they are compatible with Windows 7.

Narrative in cruise report.
Chief scientistSally Songer (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise programmeRV Cefas Endeavour 15/14 cruise programme endeavour15_14.pdf  (0.03 MB) 
Cruise reportRV Cefas Endeavour 15/14 cruise report endeavour15_14.pdf (0.57 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
SpecificSouthern North Sea, eastern English Channel
Track chartsRV Cefas Endeavour 15/14 cruise track — endeavour15_14trk.pdf (0.01 MB) 
Data held at BODC 
Discrete samples 
13  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply