
RV Cefas Endeavour 23/14

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cefas Endeavour (74E9)
Cruise identifier23/14
Cruise period2014-10-31 — 2014-11-05
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom

100% coverage MBES at two sites plus ground truthing and infaunal surveys.


Inductions at 11:00. Scientists on board for lunch. Depart Lowestoft on the 31st Oct 2014 (HW 14:59 GMT) following equipment mob. 2 hrs of calibrations at a location on route TBC. Transit to the first survey area (South Falls) to conduct a 50 hour MBES and sediment sampling survey. MBES lines orientated in line with TSS as per CEND2314. Transit to Nab Tower to conduct a 40 hour acoustic and grab survey. Returning to Lowestoft on the evening tide of the 5th March 2014 (HW 20:16 GMT).
Chief scientistPaul McIlwaine (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise programmeRV Cefas Endeavour 23/14 cruise programme endeavour23_14.pdf  (0.65 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
SpecificNab Tower and South Falls licensed dredge disposal areas.